Normally it takes two gaiwan-fuls to fill my mug. This time I brewed it both times with a bit less water, then cooled it down a bit by using another mug (pour it from one mug into the other, rinse the now empty mug with tap water, repeat), and at the end I topped it up with ice cubes.

Using this oolong:

As is the case for every cold tea, it tends to conceal a bit its more delicate flavours. However, this tea’s aftertaste is thick and sweet with some milky flavours, so this is retained very well in the end result. The astringency is a bit more pronounced in the cold version, but it essentially goes from non-existent to very mild, so that’s not a problem.

Unfortunately I have to use a Mighty Mug when drinking next to the computer, in order to prevent spilling (I’ve had to change a laptop keyboard because of this), so you can’t see the colour of the tea.

I tried uploading pictures, but the server is giving out errors, so you can view them here: