Me and my fratres in armis when the barbarorum use the decem foramina instrumentum for knitting.
I have a whole bunch of those back at the villa. Let me know if you want some advice on them. 12 denari for a basic model, but if you want a good one, you’re looking at a good 8 or 9 nummus aureus.
People think there’s some sort of enigma to them. It’s like they’ve never even used one, you know?
Edit: Apologies, I have been visiting the East. By 12, I meant XII and by 8 or 9, I meant VIII or IX.
XII is an extortion price. How am I supposed to feed my family while paying for something like that. Prices have really gone up ever since Diocletian started messing with the coins. Anyone know how many denarrii I can get for X old school pre-Diocletian denarrii these days?
Every generation believes they invented