Discussion about what? And what is wrong with discussion?
Discussion about what? And what is wrong with discussion?
I don’t see a certificate of authentication on this image. What am I missing?
Do you think maybe the context here is important?
How many professional egg-stealers have you seen? I’m guessing it must be at least 3.
There’s a special place in hell for editors who come up with headline puns.
Really? Tell me more about these normal 19-year-olds who hire convicted hackers for their companies that specifically advertise to Russia and China.
And then there were the ones who didn’t believe him but better that than having one of “THEM” in charge again.
Thank you. I am a dual national thanks to the British Empire collapsing.
My wife and daughter need visas though, and I have to get a job above a certain income threshold for that.
Viruses don’t care what organization you’re in, and when hundreds of millions of people are not getting vaccinated, the world is in trouble.
They didn’t come as cash registers out of the box.
I never suggested I was a leader, but even plenty of Jews in leadership positions of Jewish organizations do not support the ADL. We can start with Jewish Voice for Peace.
I’m more concerned about the fact that they think Austrians subsist on the corpse of a queen.
If you can’t trust Big Balls and his sexy Tesla hackers to run the government efficiently, who can you trust?
Well then as an atheist, I have no problem telling you to fuck off and stop flooding my inbox with inane posts where you really fail at humor at a very basic and fundamental level.
Can’t funny things just be funny?
Remember one post ago when you were calling me an idiot?
You came back 20 days later to say “nuh-uh!”
Thank you, you made my morning.
That’s nice, dear.
By the way, there’s only two possible reasons you said you associated Ben Shapiro with Hollywood even though you pretended you had no idea who he was. You couldn’t have even known his nationality. So either you actually do know who he is or it’s because his name is Shapiro.
Could be either. Neither looks good for you though.
Oh how cute! The fascist North and South America bros are having a genocide contest!
What’s wrong with discussing such things?