As a communist, I think it goes without saying that I’m not a big fan of the current Russian government. That being said, I don’t think there’s any doubt that they are the lesser evil especially when compared to the Ukranazis and NATO scum. I’ve been seeing a couple of charities in the US that are either directly or indirectly supporting Ukraine’s war effort. Are there any that either directly or indirectly support Russia?

    1 year ago

    Are you Russian or Ukrainian? Are you in a position of power in the political or military industrial system of NATO? If not then no, there is probably nothing you can do, short of travelling to Russia and volunteering to distribute aid to affected communities, which is not an option for the vast majority of us. But if you live in the West you can help your own country step down from this self-destructive path by speaking out against the Russophobia and the war propaganda, by educating your fellow citizens about the lies that the entire narrative of the West’s support for Ukraine is built on, and by general spreading anti-imperialist and anti-war sentiment. It is the obligation for anti-imperialists in the imperial core to do what we can in breaking the iron grip that the liberal-imperialist mainstream media has on the consciousness of the population, not just for the rest of the world but for our own countries too because all the imperialism abroad will inevitably turn around and target the most marginalized and oppressed groups in our society.