Marxist-Leninist. Tankie. Based in the imperial vassal state of Japan.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Curtailing aid to Ukraine will only prolong the war, Mr Zelensky argues.

    Without foreign military aid, how would Ukraine be able to prolong the conflict? An army with no weapons and rapidly dwindling manpower is hardly an army, they’d be forced to sue for peace.

    Imagine begging for billions of dollars in aid and then threatening to somehow activate sleeper refugees as terrorists if countries don’t comply. Would the refugees even listen, surely the vast majority of people fleeing the country aren’t the nationalistic type. Otherwise they’d have been running in the other direction.

  • Addfwyn@lemmygrad.mltoGenZedong@lemmygrad.mlRules based international order
    10 months ago

    Jurassic Park is American, so consequently Americans own the rights to any dinosaurs that appeared in it. Oil is from biological matter including dinosaurs, therefore Americans own that too. So really all oil is American and they were just taking back what belonged to them. Honestly China should be held accountable for stealing from the United States.

    I did the USians mental gymnastics for them, they owe me.

  • I lived most of my younger years in arguably one of the biggest cities in the world, I don’t regret it. Very recently moved from Tokyo to a much smaller town. Not quite countryside, but it is in the mountains and significantly smaller than Tokyo (<100,000 population in the whole area compared to millions).

    There are things I miss about Tokyo; I love cooking and the ready availability of international markets and ingredients was definitely nice to have. Public transportation was WAY better in Tokyo, and might be the biggest thing I miss. It doesn’t take me long to get back into the city if I really want to, but honestly I have only done that a couple times so far.

    However, it is much cooler, cleaner air, and generally a less fast-paced lifestyle that I can appreciate. Nevermind the cost of living differences and the amount of space I have. My flat is almost 3x the size of what I had in Tokyo at the same price, and my area is actually fairly “expensive” for an area outside Tokyo.

    If my work allowed for it, I wouldn’t mind going more rural. Having land and being able to grow some of my own veg would be wonderful. I would prefer to stick to the mountains, I don’t do hot weather well. It would have to be a job I could do remotely though, because my field wouldn’t really have many opportunities in the countryside.

  • I remember at the start, there were a bunch of his photo-ops going around of him in fatigues near “the front lines”. Which I believe are all photo-ops that predated the war to begin with. People were losing their shit over having “a leader who walks the walk from the front lines”.

    Is that still something people believe happened or did it just get quietly swept under the rug for the next thing?

  • I am honestly surprised it took this long, I had just assumed he was already disappeared after they banned the communist party from existing.

    and prevented any teaching about the positive aspects of Soviet history in schools.

    Yet when I was a kid I was still being taught how positive slavery was in the US, and how people were actually better off as slaves than free. (That school thankfully is now a parking lot, which is all it deserves). Very happy to have left that country when I was young.

  • Directly? I doubt it, the US has a miserable track record and even if there are a lot of USians that think they could beat any global power blindfolded, there has to be at least some Pentagon leadership that knows their actual capabilities.

    If they have any kind of chance to supply/fund a proxy war, terrorist insurgency, or color revolution they will leap at it though. Even if they know it wouldn’t work, the chance to bleed Chinese resources at the low low cost of billions of dollars and foreigner lives is exciting to them.

    On the opposite side, China is not going to start a war if there is any chance of ever avoiding it. China is reticient to involve themselves in foreign military affairs, they prefer to building infrastructure and engage in diplomacy.

    What I do expect to see is continued US efforts to commit economic suicide by trying to distance themselves from China economically (and only resulting in making China more and more self-sufficient) as well as an increase in domestic racisim and hate crimes. I already tell all my friends to never visit the US on holiday, because they would be treated like garbage assuming they even lived to make it back home.