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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023

  • I usually just write


    Please delete my account and all data associated with this email in accordance with Article 17 of GDPR, I’m an EU citizen

    Thanks x

    I just assume if they haven’t made it easy to delete your account by now then they never will but these are really good points that will hopefully make companies change their policies, especially since its all things that benefit them

  • The “media network” is https://kinectivemedia.com/ and they have a link for US customers to opt out that leads to here https://uniteddigital.iad1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_88OQmAbr20oeHn8 but of course you’re going to want to also read Qualtrics privacy policy before using their services https://www.qualtrics.com/privacy-statement/

    Clicking https://kinectivemedia.com/ privacy policy links to https://www.united.com/en/us/fly/customer-data-privacy-policy.html

    They collect the usual stuff you use for travel like name, address, payment details, biometrics, I.D etc and also

    Information collected in your use of our mobile application(s) includes, but is not limited to:

    • With your consent, your pinpointed physical location information from technologies like GPS, Wi-Fi, or cell tower proximity (geo-location tracking)
    • With your consent, while at or near certain airports in the U.S., your pinpointed physical location will be tracked continuously to provide you location-based offers, services and other information. For more information, see the Location Services FAQ located on the side menu of the United App;
    • Your domain name;
    • Device ID or alternative ID where required by the platform provider;
    • Electronic data concerning operating systems and computing devices/browser, including types;
    • Features you use and links you click;
    • Amount of time spent in the application;
    • Installs and uninstalls;
    • Transaction details and history.

    We may combine this information with information that we already have collected about you.

    We collect information about you from third parties. If you make a reservation through a travel agent, we will obtain your travel information from that agent. We may also obtain information about you from our marketing partners, advertisers and other third parties.

    We primarily use your information, including personal information, to provide our services to you and to fulfill your requests. In certain circumstances, such as for advertising purposes, we combine your information with other information that we have about you, that is publicly available and/or that we have obtained from third parties (either individually or in the aggregate)

    We also use your information for the following purposes:

    For marketing and advertising. United uses your information, consistent with applicable law, individually, in the aggregate, and/or combined with demographic information that we maintain or collect from third parties, for marketing and advertising purposes (via email, direct mail, telephone, web or other electronic advertising) and to send you news and newsletters. Specifically, information that we collect about you may be used to send you email, direct mail, or telephone communications about offers from United, its partners or other third parties, that might be of interest to you (please see the section on Disclosing your information below and the section on Changing your marketing preferences below). We also use your information to determine appropriate advertising channels and venues and to place ads on such channels and venues, including placing advertising on social networking sites.

    I’m sure the money they make from this will subsidies flight costs that will be passed on to the end user for cheaper flight!

  • Tl;dr Step by step how I setup lutris to run pirated games

    I use Lutris, its pretty easy to setup and is pretty much the same setup for most games.

    Install lutris wine and winetricks with your package manager. Wine is a windows compatibility layer for linux and winetricks is a helper for downloading and dependencies that a game might need and lutris integrates both of these.

    In the file manager, I like to create a folder with the name of the game and then inside of that folder I make 2 folders “game” and “prefix” I put all of the game files in the game folder and leave the prefix folder empty for now.

    When you open lutris, on the left, hover over wine and click on the little box icon to manage the wine versions. I recommend, wine-ge. Its a custom build/fork of Steams Proton that adds some extra stuff

    Once you have installed that, back on the main page at the top left is a + to add a new game. Select the bottom option, “Add locally installed game”. Give the game name and select “wine” as the runner from the dropdown.

    Then on the next tab, Game Options, select the games executable location, inside the “game” folder. Set the Working directory as the “game” folder. You can just copy the path that you put in the executable section and backspace until the folder called “game”.

    For wine prefix, copy the working directory path and replace “game” with “prefix” this is where all the wine/windows stuff will install.

    Set the Prefix architecture to 64-bit

    On the next tab, Runner Options, you can select the wine version you want to use. It should default to the wine-ge version you installed. At the top right press save and your game should be good to go. There are a whole bunch of other options you can play around with but for pretty much every game I’ve played I just leave them as default.

    This should be fine for most games but sometimes wine updates can break older games and so you may have to try older versions of wine-ge or different versions of wine like lutris-fshack or wine-staging. Or the game may need a special dependency that you need to install. This is why I set a separate prefix directory for each game.

    You can look at the logs for a game by selecting it and pressing the arrow beside the play button, this may or may not be helpful for trouble shooting.

    If you do need to install an additional dependency, select the game and press the arrow at the bottom right and select winetricks. “Select the default prefix” should be selected by default, press ok and at the top of the next screen you should see the path to the games prefix, then select the “Install a Windows DLL or component” Then you should have a list of packages you can install.

    If you’re using a repack that needs to be extracted, put the path to setup.exe as the executable on the Game Options tab and run through the installer, selecting the “game” folder that you created as the install location, it is probably under the Z drive. Then when you’re done installing, right click the game in lutris and press configure and then back to game options and replace the setup.exe path with the path to the games exe and save.

    There’s a whole bunch of other ways to do this, like bottles or just using system wine or adding the game as a non-steam game to Steam, I have a separate throwaway Steam account for this.

    I like the way lutris is laid out and I like having separate prefixes for each game because I archive the games I like and its nice to have a known working prefix in that archive for games I had issues running.

  • Ha, we’ve been doing the same thing for the past few months! I just made a generic Immich account that we all log into and upload to that. I auto backup the library to other places as we go, just in case. Once we’re done, we’ll all get copies of the directory to do with as we please.

    I have Immich set up to keep the name of the files instead of giving them a random name. As we scan we name the files with the peoples names and generic tags like Tom.Mary.Birthday.1992 and putting Mary before birthday indicates that it was Mary’s birthday. So that if I decide to try and add meta data to the files it will be easier.

    I haven’t figured out a plan for adding meta info to the files so they at least have the year/month they were taken and I don’t know if I even want to since we’re 1000’s of photos in now

  • Yeah, carrier unlock and OEM unlock are completely separate and have nothing to do with each other. People will say ‘unlocked’ and mean carrier unlocked because most people don’t know what OEM unlocking is so it can get really confusing when trying to buy second hand and explaining the difference. Its a really common misconception that has been an issue for over a decade that’s why I always try to explain they have nothing to do with each other

    I don’t know any other carriers that do this but I wouldn’t be surprised if more did. I never recommend buying from a carrier since most just carrier lock their phones anyway so its just more hassle if you decide to switch carriers.

    I find buying from the manufacturer works out cheaper than from any carrier where I am. Its also better for privacy since I don’t have to deal with bill pay and can just pay cash for PAYG without giving any personal information and can switch to whoever has the best deal without faffing about, just get a new Sim card and I’m ready to go

  • OEM unlocking is not the same as carrier unlocking

    Carrier unlocking is to allow you to use your phone with a different network e.g switching from Verizon to T-Mobile and putting a T-Mobile Sim in the Verizon phone. This can be done with both Android and iOS

    OEM unlocking is an Android setting that enables the end user to modify the firmware of the device e.g unlocking the boot loader, installing custom boot images, ROMs and gaining root access.

    AFAIK both T-Mobile and Verizon have custom Android settings that completely grey out the OEM unlock option in Android settings. There is no way around this as an end user, even if you had got customer support to carrier unlock your phone it would have made no difference, OEM unlocking would still be disabled.

    AFAIK There is no way around this and the only solution is to never buy from either carrier.

    I bought a refurbished Pixel a few years ago from the Netherlands and it ended up being originally from Verizon, I found a Verizon system app still preinstalled in settings and it was impossible it enable OEM unlocking.

    Either buy directly from Google or buy second hand on the condition that you can check to make sure OEM unlocking is possible before purchase

    • I think an animals life is more important than my taste buds. Animal agricultural is immoral, unsustainable and unnecessary. I don’t want to be a part of that and I want to have the least amount of impact on the world as I can while I’m here. Leave it the way you found it etc.
    • That depends, if they have the option not to then yeah. Killing when its not necessary is cruel. Hens eat their own eggs for nourishment, so there’s no need to rob them for no reason. Female mammals have to be impregnated before they’ll start lactating. Pregnancy can be very painful, uncomfortable and life threatening, ask any mother. You can’t treat another being ethically if their purpose is to allow you to either murder, rob or forcefully impregnate them.
    • Climate change impact. Taxes to subsidise private companies in the industry instead of going to healthcare, housing education etc. The mental health and working conditions of people working in slaughterhouses. Increased prevalence and risk of zoonotic diseases. Inflated land value and underdeveloped areas, probably more specific to my country. Biodiversity loss. Endangered species ending up as bycatch.
    • 6 years ago, I was reading a paper on climate change, where it talked about the impact of animal agriculture on the environment, then I watched some videos on animal agriculture and couldn’t make it through 20 minutes of Dominion, I switched over night
    • Constantly being asked do I miss meat etc. Basically no restaurants near me have vegan options, but tbh its such a good excuse to get out of going for dinner since I hate eating out lol
    • Eating meat is engrained into a lot of people and they have just never questioned it because “that’s just the way it is” so when they’re faced with a moral dilemma that goes against something that has become so normal to them, they get confused and feel guilty which causes a negative reaction. The realities of animal agriculture are an uncomfortable truth that people don’t want to think about and vegans are their reminder.

    Thanks for taking the time to ask about this stuff, its not easy to come into a space where you’re the odd one out and start a difficult discussion. Hopefully you see some stuff here that interests you so you can go read about it and who knows, maybe this might be your catalyst!