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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023

  • Still speak with a professional. Don’t self diagnose. I don’t know if you have and know for a fact that it’s depression, but if you haven’t and are just going from symptoms that can be dangerous.

    There’s a whole slew of mental disorders that might appear as depression at first but are something else, and for some of them, weed can even make them worse than they’d be without it. I speak from personal experience on that. I thought I was depressed, took weed and it turns out it was schizoaffective disorder with major depressive onset. Weed made it much worse than it’d have to be.

    I’m not saying that to scare you or anything, cutting off weed and taking proper medication really helped me out personally. But if you’re thinking it’s some mental disorder, it’s always better to get proper diagnosis and medication for it.

    I wish you the best regardless. As for the question, when is it too much, the answer was given already. When it starts affecting your life. And yes, weed is not addictive, physically at least, but it definitely is psychologically. If you feel shit when cutting it off, or can only function with it, it’s still addiction.

  • That’s also not what I said, that Marxism is the one and only true communism. The fuck is that supposed to mean in the first place. For someone so intent on digging relics and using big words, you either can’t read or refuse to do so. He asked what communism is, I mentioned Marx. Go ahead and mention Aristotle for all I care. Hell I didn’t even mention Marx until you answered me.

    As for the infighting you’re the one with your knickers in a bunch because I answered Marx. I am not fighting anyone and the two people that disagreed with me, it was polite and we reached an understanding while in disagreement. You on the other hand put on a great show of that infighting. I’m done with that charade. Have a good day.

    And the fact that you don’t consider communism partly an economic system is baffling. From Marx onwards the entire idea of socialism and communism is based on the Capital.

  • I’m actually not. I think many approaches have their pros and cons. Anarchy sounds a lot better as a path to a classless system, I don’t disagree with Trotsky’s permanent revolution, though I am heavily against his 4th International (and to a big degree the 3rd one as well) and I think that socialism is the hardest way to make it work, but if it does, is probably the best since it prepares the populace to think in a different way.

    But good for you for figuring me out when I haven’t done that myself in over 20 years I’m in politics.

    As for that dick contest about communists before Marx and their books, because it is a dick contest at this point, I never claimer Marx was the first to talk about communism, or use that word. Even the manifesto was commisioned by a pre existing party namely the Communist League. A party that existed before Marx and Engels came in contact with them.

    But Marx was in fact the first to bring those ideas together, from philosophy to economy to politics etc and describe a full featured system that covered it all (for his time, times changing and things adapt), which is why is the one most well known and remembered with his name attached to it. Take it further, back to ancient Greek philosophers why don’t you?

    The original poster asked an ELI5 of communism. While what you say is not wrong, it’s far from ELI5. Even for someone like me who spent years reading on all that, there were a couple of things you mentioned I didn’t know about. At the end of it all there’s a reason that if you look at the history of communism most will refer to Pre-Marx and after. And a simple answer to a simple question of “what be?” has to start somewhere. I chose Marx since it’s probably the best entry point for someone who has no idea.

  • Atheran@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoMemes@lemmy.mlHow i feel on Lemmy
    1 year ago

    And you keep using different names to describe them. As you should. Communism is not one thing and never was. But when people refer to base or true communism, the answer is just one.

    It’s how it was defined in the communist manifesto in 1848. You could say it’s Marxism, but I dislike that naming since others played a big role on forming it as well, like Engels and others who based on Marx’s mostly economic study added the philosophical and political angles.

    Every theme or name change after the manifesto (that is not found in later revisions by the communist international) is attempts at adapting it with different angles and for different purposes and circumstances, aka NOT base or pure communism. Don’t bundle everything in one basket and try to make sense, same way that bundling Putin’s Russian form of Capitalism with US’s imperialism and French Revolution’s early capitalism together doesn’t make sense either.

    He asked for pure communism, I answered for that. If he asked about Trotsky, I’d focus more on the permanent revolution and the Fourth International. If he asked of Stalin, I’d talk about his socialism in one country theory

  • Without search engine and without going into detail that is out of the scope, anarchy is a different path to a classless system. Said classless system is different enough from communism to warrant discussion but close enough for that discussion to be devolving into anarchy vs socialism most of the time to differentiate the path to that system.

    Said path in anarchy is comprised of setting up collectives that start small, neighborhood small, and gradually evolve. Each collective shares almost everything between its members and there’s no leadership or ranking across its members.

    Anything deeper than that leads to a long discussion that is out of the scope of this thread and definitely out of the scope of the ELI5 the post I originally replied to needed or had the philosophical basis to understand possibly. I’m not saying one is better than the other, but they are quite different approaches to a similar goal, a classless society that money does not rule all.

  • Atheran@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoMemes@lemmy.mlHow i feel on Lemmy
    1 year ago

    In feel like you make it complicated to arrive at your conclusion here. Communism, as described by Marx and Engels and to some degree Lenin, is something very specific that covers most aspects of the society. Political, social and economic. Marx himself wrote books upon books on the economy of a socialist, communist system.

    It is not an abstract “I don’t like capitalism so let’s try something different” approach. And yes, many have tried to adapt it, as you mentioned which is why those different approaches carry a different name ‘anarchist communism’ in your example. Because they are different enough from flat out communism.

  • Atheran@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoMemes@lemmy.mlHow i feel on Lemmy
    1 year ago

    True communism in a country is impossible.

    You can have socialism, or anarchy, which we’ve seen before, but communism cannot function in one country alone, unless said country is completely and absolutely self reliant.

    A major part of communism is internationalism, which is why socialist countries had the Comintern. (Communist International). Besides a political/social system, communism has a strong basis as an economic system. You can’t apply communist economic system principles to the capitalist market.

    To my knowledge, no existing country is self reliant to the point that they can completely cut off trade with the rest of the world. USSR didn’t do it, China didn’t do it and they were the two biggest countries at the time.

    That, of course is all a very surface level ELI5, and if you want to ask something more specific or in depth, feel free to.