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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • As sinophobic and geopolitically ignorant as the average American is, imo most Americans would probably not support a direct military engagement against China given the immense failures of US intervention in the Arab world. Proxy war? Ukraine has shown that Americans will go along with a conflict that involves another country’s soldiers fighting in place of American soldiers, but I think most would still be against a war with China using American troops.

    Plus, neoliberalism has wreaked havoc on the US’s ability to mobilize the country for a great power conflict. The government is the most unpopular it has ever been. A reorienting of the economy a la the New Deal is unlikely, and imposing a draft would likely lead to immense civil conflict.

    Anything could happen obviously. A truly visceral false flag attack could alter public support. But to me, it feels like the US is more likely to escalate the existing war against its own populace while goading other countries to fight its battles internationally.

  • The tragedy with the Crimean Tartars was that they were deported based on heritage, even those who were loyal red army combatants. I’m not saying the situations are a perfect equivalence, but it’s the same rationale the US used to intern Japanese-Americans, which communists have always rightfully criticized. Whether it was necessary or not is debatable but it always troubles me whenever I encounter blanket apologism for the action or communists embracing the reasoning.

    In addition, those deported were not allowed to resettle in Crimea for 2 decades after the war. We can still support the legacy of the USSR while still acknowledging that this is a blemish.

  • You can find plenty of communist criticisms of Stalin. They appear on this forum from time to time.

    Maybe try engaging earnestly and give specifics. You may get even more context from us that might change your view. Or, hell, we might even agree with you. Stalin did good things. He also did some shit things.

    Instead, you’re relying off of the Stalin boogeyman myth that even the US government has admitted is false.