You can. But I don’t think it will help because the igpu is so slow.
You can. But I don’t think it will help because the igpu is so slow.
More gpus do improve performance:
All large AI systems are built of multiple “gpus” (AI processers like Blackwell ). Really large AI models are run on a cluster of individual servers connected by 800 GB/s network interfaces.
However igpus are so slow that it wouldn’t offer significant performance improvement.
Then post an alternative. Newegg isn’t a good choice: https://youtu.be/2fnXsmXzphI
For keyboards and some other parts you can window shop at Amazon and then go direct to the manufacturer’s website to make a purchase.
That leaves Microcenter. Which the poster above mentioned.
After Sonos bricked their old hardware to force upgrades, I wouldn’t trust Sonos if they sold analog jack headphones.
Chrono Trigger. It’s known as the best turn based RPG ever.
What is a minority member of Congress supposed to do? He has no power other than to vote on bills.
Why haven’t you done something?
It can’t melt through such a large mass of steel in the short time it has before it hits. The lasers are meant for missiles which have very thin metal walls. Also, the AP rounds aren’t explosive. They’re a solid mass of steel.
The important part is to not stop until it actually can have an effect. Cut off the oil in 18 months so inflation skyrockets before mid terms.
If anything is resolved now, it will only encourage shenanigans again after US midterm elections.
The last trade deal with Canada was done by Trump.
All of the Trinidad’s iron cannon balls would bounce off the 12" steel armor of the Iowa battleship.
I never understood why everyone said or orgo was so hard. It was only a lot of memorizing like history.
My hard classes were ones where we were allowed to bring the textbook and any notes we wanted.
Moore’s law has been dead for a while. We are lucky to have marginal improvements. Nvidia doesn’t even need gaming gpus- they’re now a small part of their total revenue.
As to monopoly, AMD and Intel haven’t even tried to compete at the high end. It’s like being angry for Ferrari having a monopoly on overpriced high end performance cars.
Who would win?
New Navy with line of sight laser weapon (3 mile range to horizon), or this smokey boy throwing 2,000 lbs of steel over the horizon.
The total size of Wikipedia is 26 TB. It’s trivial to move. The global CDN services do the heavy lifting of caching the content. The real problem is the Trump suing and censoring Wikipedia such that US citizens wouldn’t have access.
If Trump’s problem is with fentanyl, why didn’t he tariff fentanyl?
What about when the mod is the bully?
Most are snubbed in every category. That’s why it’s considered an honor just to be nominated. Browsing Amazon Prime movies is proof of the thousands of garbage movies that never got a nomination in any category.
Off the top of my head I know The Room wasn’t nominated in any category. More seriously, Clerks, which has received many honors in later years including being added to the national film registry, received no Oscar nominations in any category.
Maybe Borderlands is misunderstood and in 20 years will be considered a masterpiece. :)
First? I can google thousands that never got a nomination.
There were 569 movies released in 2024. There are a maximum of 125 nominations (5 nominations * 23 categories plus best picture with 10 nominations)
If that were true, Nintendo would have failed 20 years ago. Notice that the stocked dropped not because Roblox lost users but because it didn’t grow enough. The stock market expects infinite growth.