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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise

    Where do these things exist? They don’t exist much in the USA for example.

    Communism isn’t a magical fix for all our problems

    Its aim is to fix these problems, capitalism’s aim is to make money for a small group of people using liberalism to trick them into helping.

    The only way they’ll happen is with a more unified country. Or war. A long and terrible one that will completely destroy us.

    The political class are united, they have the country’s workers fighting over niche issues like gay rights etc while they kill millions around the globe and do whatever it takes to maintain the privilege of a few.

    Agreed about Mc Connell.

  • Where did I ever imply I support America?

    You’re repeating transparently false American propaganda. It’s America’s proxy war, they’ve openly admitted this on countless occasions. Do you honestly contend that the US is pouring billions into this because they’re humanitarians? Is it? Answer this.

    Russia tried for almost a decade to pursue peace in the face of US/NATO aggression. We later learned from Hollande and Merkel that the US had no intention of allowing for peace. This is recorded historical fact.