• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I’m beginning to believe that a large portion of this society doesn’t actually see anything wrong with genocide, they just don’t like the word and are content with telling themselves that the victims deserved it.

    Isreal and the US government know what they are doing, the killing is deliberate, it is the only viable explanation for things like the treatment of UNRWA and the clear targeting of civilians in Gaza and the West Bank. Claiming that these targets are somehow militants would be laughable if the consequences weren’t so saturated with human blood.

    It’s obvious to me that both parties would make the same choices here, party politics are only to blame here as far as they enabled themselves to be so throughly penetrated by foreign interests. Only real difference with Trumptard VS genocide Joe is that trump would be more transparent with his support for genocide.

  • Imo it depends on if you spawn in a decent pocket or not and how good the choke points are.

    Also Rampant has a sibling weapons mod. Use it, it’s awesome.

    Last time I pulled it off, I spawned on an annatolia-shaped peninsula (including the straights) and managed to thread the needle with my pollution to get it walled off and supplied with bullet by train before my pollution reached their bases.

    Added lasers, napalm flamethrowers, HE missles, and really aggressive repaire/maintenance as I advanced through the game. Never expanded past my initial defense line until I was mass-producing nuclear artillery.

    You don’t want to know how many times I had to reroll to get this map lol.

  • Question: how much would you all be willing to pay for a smaller/personal version of what the Galileo project is trying to do?

    Obviously it wouldn’t have nearly the resolution of what they’re making because it would basically be a giant compound eye made out of miniaturized FANUC IRVISION systems with fancier algorithms that would individually fault out whenever one of them sees something unfamiliar, which would conveniently also give you the distance and angle (relative to some reference point built into the system) of whatever sent the light that caused the fault to happen.

    Each sensor would be a tiny but really simple/basic camera with a stupid low FOV paired with a rangefinding laser and wired to a processing PC in a cabinet off to the side. PC runs algorithms on the images that fault out whenever they find over a certain threshold of deviation in pixels from what it’s trained to expect to see in the sky. Would be pre-taught to recognize things like aircraft, insects, weather events, ETC, but that would never be perfect so users will have to be prepared to do a lot of the pattern recognition teaching themselves. Rangefind laser would trigger whenever the algorithm faults.

    There would be another PC that detects when a sensor faults and records the accompanying laser data, the raw image of the camera on the faulted sensor, as well as some kind of ID tied to each sensor.

    Because the sensors are arranged in a hemisphere, knowing which one faulted gives you the direction of the unknown object and the rangefinder that’s conveniently already pointed exactly the direction the object is tells you the distance.

    The density of sensors in this hemisphere or “eye” determines the resolution. Improving it would be as simple as either increasing the total radius of the “eye” or making each sensor smaller. This also makes the system available to those with limited budgets because they could buy sensors individually and have the system operate on a more limted scope, and each sensor unit would be relatively cheap (especially if it gets super miniaturized!)

    This comment was like 8X longer than I wanted it to be but oh well. Thoughts?