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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • People say this every time it happens, and AAA game developers have been putting out unfinished broken crap for exorbitant prices for well over a decade, now. Don’t preorder after starfield, don’t preorder after cyberpunk, don’t preorder after fallout 76, don’t preorder after anthem, don’t preorder after…

    Oh wait, there’s a new game coming out soon, I should preorder, can’t wait to play it!

  • A person understands the reason they’re eating only plants with no animal byproducts. An animal doesn’t. An animal is just confused and irritated that their food was changed for the worse by their owner. If their diet and mountain of supplement pills/powders did not actually meet their dietary needs because it wasn’t an exact match for their regular food or natural prey, they would still end up malnourished. And not every cat’s dietary needs are the same or stay the same as they age.

    Malnourished or not, you also wouldn’t be able to stop your cat from finding a mouse or insect which snuck into your home and devouring them to enhance their compromised diet. You cannot make a carnivore vegan, you can only abuse them into living in a way they do not naturally live and do not want to live, until they find a way to avoid you for just long enough to go against your wishes and savage another animal, as is their instinctive nature.

    Furthermore, do you really think animals have no joy in what they eat, that that’s only a human quality? Nutrition doesn’t matter to the animal, they just want to eat what they want to eat. Cats almost never turn down an offer of cream or milk despite 90% or more of them being lactose intolerant. It’s not nutrients their body needs or can absorb, and actively makes them feel ill. But they want it anyway because it’s tasty and they aren’t able to consider the consequences of their actions as far in advance as humans can.

    Edit: In fact, going off that same point but for humans, you could probably make a human live off some kind of tasteless nutrient bar that gives everything you could need, but it wouldn’t mean they’d enjoy it. Oh wait, we did do that before, as a cruel punishment for prisoners in the US, fucking nutraloaf!

  • And then when they do update the game, and add 20 more dollars of new dlc at the same time, if you’re someone who likes mods, well congratulations. Your installation is ruined and you can’t go back to your saved game(s) without there being some level of headache involved. At this point a high seas version of stellaris would probably be a relief, since there’s no auto updates and all dlcs. But here I am, a sucker who bought like three-quarters of the dlc over the years and can’t even play it because I’ll just be sad my last playthrough got ended prematurely with a dlc release… Fuck Paradox and all their games.

  • Sorry, this is gonna be kind of long and rambly. So, I’m transfem and kinda sorta nonbinary (still figuring it out, but putting an x on my driver’s license felt the most right to me, when I did that). Been on hrt for a year, my transiversary was this past Sunday in fact, and I am turning 30 this year. Finally got on progesterone, and switched from sublingual estradiol pills to estradiol patches, and they seem fine with no ill effects so far; very exciting. I’m still not out socially (I’m kind of afraid to) so that’s kind of a downer, but I’m still way happier than I was before. Consequently, I also don’t have makeup or girl clothes. Need to get those too, but it’s rather hard, between the dicey financial situation and a home life where I’m not completely sure how risky coming out to my mother will be.

    Apperancewise, I’d consider myself a work in progress. I need to lose weight as a top priority for my health and looks, I’m very heavy. And I want bigger boobs (who doesn’t?) since my current measurements are a 44c, but while that’s apparently more than a lot of girls get in their transitions, they just look so tiny on me, between the chubby gut and the big rib cage. I was hoping I’d get lucky and not need breast augmentation to have a reasonably nice chest, but it’s looking like it’s gonna need to happen some time.

    I also definitely need to visit a salon. I’ve needed to for like the last 4 years, still haven’t been to one since way back at the start of the covid pandemic (goodness gracious, where has the time gone), but despite that, my hair is nice and long and curly, and I wear it in a cute side style, even when boymoding (which admittedly is kinda my only mode when I’m out of the house at this time). Honestly, it just kinda fits me too well, and thats like my biggest source of euphoria right now. It’s just a tad scruffy, but otherwise so close to exactly how I want it to be. I need to dye it red some time, too. I have a thing for dyed red hair… Literally every customizable girl character in every video game I’ve ever played, I’ve always gone with red hair and this same sort of hairstyle, even before I knew I was trans. As if it’s written into my very soul!

    But anyway, I also have some self conscious feelings about my face. You know, the common stuff like dysphoria about the stupid brow ridge, etc etc. So I’m thinking maybe facial feminization is something I’ll need to seek out some day too, but I am also trying to just get used to loving myself without needing surgery. I already got over my high cheekbones! But hair removal, gosh that really can’t come soon enough. Please delete every last one of these awful hairs from my chin and upper lip! I really gotta find a place for laser hair removal, and hopefully be able to afford it.

    I’ll spare any additional rambling, I’ve said a lot as it is. I think my transition is going decently, like I could improve in a lot of ways, including actually coming out and socially transitioning some day, as I said earlier, but nevertheless I’m pretty happy with the progress I’ve made since a year ago. We all go at our own pace, right?

  • Yeah? So give up on this frivolous stuff and do… what exactly? Spend 10 years redirecting everyone’s efforts into building mausoleums and tombs so we can all hop in in 2034? What are the NASA guys, or the European space agency people, meant to do in relation to the climate crisis and looming extinction event? Rocket science isn’t biology, isn’t climate science (though launched satellites and the like do help with researching it), isn’t geopolitics.

    You give me the same vibe as gamers whining about a game’s art team making assets for cosmetic dlcs instead of adding story content or fixing game bugs or something, when they literally cannot do anything about those other things because it’s outside their jurisdiction.

  • Well it does matter though.

    The way I see our choices is, one old man, the blue donkey, has the goal of continuing to support the status quo, for better and worse. He also has that baffling willful ignorance about the increasingly rabid violent behavior of the other guy’s colleagues and voters, and how he definitely needs to fucking do something. But at least he hires people who are less old and more mentally secure than himself, since a president’s cabinet and advisors are vital to the administration’s function, and tend to fill in where they fall short.

    But the other old man, the red elephant, he has the very well-published goal of severely lowering the quality of life for all us citizens besides wealthy white men, in some cases removing the right for some demographics to live at all (trans people, for one). The plan also includes smash-and-grabbing the federal government and raiding its wealth; this is all that Project 2025 thing that people need to talk more frequently about. He also hires unqualified criminals for his cabinets, and is a convicted criminal himself; just not in the eyes of his dogmatic culty voters, or in the majority opinion of the unelected for-life supreme court that he had previously rigged in his favor. And he is known to be in the pocket of a sadistic oligarchic foreign government for whom the cold war never actually ended.

    Sure, long term this country won’t last, but in the short term, this is the last shot at renewing our fragile democracy subscription while we still can. If we lose it completely with this looming fascism takeover, it will require the spilled blood of tens of millions of lives and more, to ever get it back, and at the minimum it will come with the severe decline of quality of life for all US citizens, besides wealthy white men, and the destruction of decades of history and culture that we currently take for granted. Think a US version of China’s great firewall, book burnings, server wipings, cops raiding your home and smashing up all your hard drives.

    And that’s only if this country could even be taken back, considering, you know, the USA has the most guns and nukes of anyone, and I don’t see an average Joe who happened to already own an assault rifle being successful in employing the second amendment on a missile drone swarm. Probably the best case scenario would be Balkanization, and being lucky enough to end up in a good region of the former-US, and just getting bombed over the border back and forth occasionally, and hoping everybody continues playing nice with the nukes. Because the only alternative in an unshattered fascist US at that point would be waiting for a natural decline. But as we’ve seen with the likes of North Korea, that process could end up taking so long that none of us here will live to see it, just the kids of our kids and on.

    I’m never voting for the crazy felon cult guy who officially wants me dead, among so many other things. I don’t think that any combination of our laws or legal system should have ever allowed him to return to the polls for this election, or done anything besides end up in a cell or be executed as a high threat terrorist traitor. But it’s just how it ended up. But please don’t act like it doesn’t matter, and nobody should be keeping up with that bullshit propaganda bot lie that the outcomes will be the same either way. Sorry for the long incoherent rant, I barely even remember what your comment was, nor do I particularly want to scroll up to read it again, but nothing makes me more irritable and verbose than people giving into hopeless apathy.

  • Catpurrple@lemmy.blahaj.zoneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneButton Rule
    4 months ago

    Hmm, I’m a little surprised at how consistent the responses are, but I guess I shouldn’t be. I just know that if I did that spam until death and pass it all on to family thing that others here are about, well I wouldn’t trust my family to adequately handle big money after my death; they’d fuck it up, the greedy shitty ones would try and steal the will, keep some other family members from getting any; just anything to not just do what I wanted, and I wouldn’t be there to deal with it.

    But regardless, since I found out I was trans, 1% death chance is too big for me. I want to live and experience my life approximately closer to how it always should have been, even though I lost a couple decades getting there. Hell, just the million dollars, even if we say it’s somehow still taxed and the fed takes a bunch, could resolve all my debts, pay for all my trans surgeries, and I’d still have more to help my family without them just fucking it all up. But I still wouldn’t want to risk the death for that.

  • The funny thing to me is, Dragon’s Dogma 1, in its original release on Xbox 360 and ps3, had microtransactions. You could buy rift crystals, lots of cosmetics, quests, etc. Then they released Dark Arisen as a complete collection sort of thing all dlc included, but I think you could still buy more for that too, mainly just the rift crystals.

    Besides that, it seems like every single Capcom game in the last 10 years or something has had mountains of paid dlc, like buying proud souls and blue orbs in the DMC games (consumable upgrade materials), upgrades in resident evil games, all sorts of stuff. Not that I’m defending Capcom’s actions, I don’t like what they do here, but I just wonder why it was Dragon’s Dogma 2 that broke the camel’s back instead of any of their other games.

  • The demolisher necramechs not disabling abilities like the normal disruption enemies made it so painless, as a Valkyr main who needs to stay in hysteria forever. Plus the game mode is so fast anyway, versus any of the game modes that basically force you into sitting on your butt for 5 minutes at a time. I got my Dante crafting and both weapons already picked up, though I guess at some point I should go back for more capillaries so I can get the captura scenes for sale too.

  • Some advice, just block the users posting the politics, if your Lemmy phone app or the desktop browser version support doing so. If they post stuff you don’t want to see now, they’ll post stuff you don’t want to see again in the future.

    Me personally, that’s what I do. My mental health is in a tight spot and I don’t have the energy for the doomer shit any more, so I’d like to hang onto some of my essence, because I can just wait to go full doomer panic mode if Trump cucks his way into 2024 and starts banning trans people from life (which would affect me).

    Also it’s worth considering, a lot of these people being “no I want the Dems to lose because some bullshit” might be fucking tankies/accelerationists sneaking in here again, not all of them but a bunch. That idea really clicked when a friend of mine pointed the possibility out.

    I’m not that versed in politics because of my similar aversion to it as you seem to have, but I do know those idiots exist, are annoying and loud, and are just contrarion moron cowards who want democracy to end so they can con someone else into doing a whole revolution for them after it gets bad. Even though none of them would last through the getting bad part.

    So just block people posting uncomfy memes, ignore Internet psychos, vote in November, including local elections wherever possible, and we’ll all hopefully come out of this without too much lasting trauma.

  • I’ll probably get whooshed like I always do in this fucking place, but. Andonuts says the f slur in Toby Fox’s earthbound halloween hack, that’s the “beef”. It was released back in 2008 by a teenaged Toby, and he regrets writing that and thinks it was very cringe today, so I’m sure the idea of there actually being a problem is exaggerated.