Hi, I’m Cleo! (they/them) I talk mostly about games and politics. My DMs are always open to chat! :)

  • 13 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • I mean, that’s partly true. From my keeping up with politics, some of the candidates actions are their own but about 80% of the job is what you described. Your party recommends actions to you and congress sets you up for most of your actions. Vetoing things is only common when the opposition holds congress.

    I’ll highlight though that lately the presidents have seized more and more power and continue to do so. It started with Bush basically declaring war without congress and lately it’s been Biden doing things like canceling student loans and blocking the border up. Which I get that’s all power they’ve always had, but they’ve been reluctant to use it improperly because it’s so abusable. Now those robes are off and so trump will come into office and immediately write laws by himself basically

  • I can’t say I share those feelings. While I think the 2D sections are just okay, they’re very short. I also think as far as pacing and traveling between fights, they did about all they could without distracting from the point of the game in my eyes.

    Like yes you can make better platforming or exploration, but that’s not what the overall level is there for. It’s there for scale, setting, NPC conversations, etc. Add too much and you distract from the next fight, add too little and you might as well have a boss rush type game. Fine balance here and this is honestly the best I’ve ever seen a game like this pull off filler time.

    That’s a whole conversation about filler in games but I think it’s harder than people realize to get this right.

  • I didn’t say they weren’t banning people, I said they aren’t really playing the cat and mouse game. VAC is a known system and it doesn’t actually affect cheating in any meaningful way since the game is free, steam accounts are easy to create, and time between VAC waves is extremely long.

    Go play a few matches of CS2 on competitive without buying the premier and tell me that they’re doing anything at all that is effective. It’s gotten so bad that playing on non-premier games I will get a cheater in the lobby about 75% of the time. And premier isn’t immune but it’s about 20% of the time.

    Most of what needs to be done is that their servers need to clean up and stop sending so much data to the client and also the servers need anti-cheat. There’s been some suggestions of this by people getting banned for moving their mouse to fast repeatedly, but that’s about all they’ve done of note.

    If you think that the company who has almost entirely abandoned TF2 and left it to rot to cheaters is doing much with CS, I think that’d be a bad assumption.

  • Okay so in plain terms (from what I can tell) they’re arguing that Spotify isn’t paying them enough because they have product A and product B. A bundle of A and B has their prices raised but only costs a dollar more than product A with its costs raised. So they’re arguing that they deserve a larger part of product A since B clearly isn’t adding much value to their platform.

    Then additionally they claim that by offering product B as a standalone subscription, the price they’re setting for product B only serves to allow Spotify to pay them less for A in those bundles.

    This makes sense because it’s a good way to reduce the money paid to the music side of the business by inserting new things into their services and then claiming that the new rate increases are due to that new service (that they don’t have to pay out as much to audio book companies for).

  • Hot take: Futurama doesn’t need to be in its golden age to still exist and a lot of younger people like myself are getting to see the show in a way that appeals to modern pop culture references for the first time.

    Despite how many people feel about this previous season, it had its moments and it still exists in a niche that I’d argue is almost entirely untouched by most animated tv nowadays. I will absolutely take Futuramas half-hearted attempts at clever writing over the now modern “it’s so gross/crass it’s funny” style of things.

    Can I rewatch older seasons? Sure. But again, a lot of season 1-5 are before my time. The characters are still great, voices are great, it’s just the through line plot that’s suffered in the new season. Specifically that gets highlighted in the Dung episode where the quips are funny, the situation is funny, but the overall plot is kind of uninteresting to me and it’s lost that cleverness. Fix a few things about an episode like that and it’d be right at home in the first series.