Hello, my name is Cris. :)

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I really wish I could help, but I think you’re probably more advanced of a user than am unfortunately :(

    In my experience installing I’ve just followed the callamares prompts and then had a usable system, but I haven’t used it long term yet, as I’ve been trying to learn how to install void linux before I potentially swtich to a more straight forward distro on my new laptop (seemed like a good opportunity to learn). I’ve been using linux for a long time now (probably more than 10 years) but I’m really an art and design person who’s mostly bumbled their way through it 😅

    I just woke up, I’ll come back and take a look at things when I’m more awake and see if anything stands out to me

    I’m not familiar with FCC unlock, from my initial half asleep googling it looks like a networking feature or service? If it’s functionality thats intended to be configured by spiral linux, you might try opening a bug report on the spiral linux github/got repo, the Dev seems like a pretty friendly guy. Or alternatively the linux 4 noobs community here on lemmy is actually pretty good, (regardless of whether the name might be directly applicable to you) if not incredibly active, and the people there are far more likely to be knowledgable than I am. Though frankly I’m guessing the reason it’s actually a helpful resource is because lemmy has a viable ratio of new linux users, to technical ones who are willing to help, an attribute I don’t think many spaces have lol

    Like I said, I’ll take another look in a while and see if my awake brain has anything to add that might be more helpful to you. I’m sorry distros have been giving you such a struggle with networking, thats super frustrating