• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023

  • 11.04.2024

    • Prep: warm water
    • Razor: RazoRock Hawk V2; Wilkinson Hydro
    • Blade: KAI Captain Protouch MG; Wilkinson Hydro 3 cartridge
    • Brush: AP Shave Co. 30 mm Tuxedo Fan w/ black & clear handle
    • Lather: Southern Witchcrafts - Valley of Ashes
    • Post Shave: Thayer’s Cucumber facial spray; Natura Siberica ASB gel

    2 pass head shave. Hi again folks…

    I’m not gonna lie, the last few days have been awful for me. I kinda fell back into depressive thought patterns due to private trouble atm and it was really hard. I also relapsed into smoking cigarettes; I am already trying to get back into vaping only and with my newest MTL device it should work.

    Today I had the preparation day for my practical and oral exam tomorrow of my midterms to become an RN. This gave me some additional anxiety, but also new energy - I feel like I can be worth something again.

    So today’s shave was in order. I actually live VoA - smelling like death is currently fitting for my mood, but the newly acquired Protouch MG are really smooth. Just did an additional pass with the cartridge to look pristine tomorrow for my exam. Honestly, it feels great to have a slick bald dome again after neglecting my self-care for so many days and falling into a pit of despair. Now it’s time to sleep so I can rock tomorrow 💪🏻

  • Midterms of my nursing course are nearing and unfortunately I got sick. So no additional practice with my client… Well, at least I could spend some extra time for studying the theory. I try not to worry too much, in the end I am sure I can pass.

    Tomorrow I’ll visit a friend and we’ll go bowling with a few others. Haven’t done it in years, so I hope I’m not too rusty. I’ll also stay at her place overnight since bowling tends to go well with drinking over here.

  • 05.04.2024 - Return from the Grave…fruit

    • Prep: warm water
    • Razor: RazoRock Hawk V2
    • Blade: KAI Captain Pink
    • Brush: RazoRock 400 Noir SE 24 mm
    • Lather: Southern Witchcrafts - Gravefruit II
    • Post Shave: Southern Witchcrafts - Gravefruit II AS; Pacific Shaving Co. Caffeinated ASB
    • Fragrance: Southern Witchcrafts - Gravefruit II EdP

    Well, finally some time and energy for a luxurious wetshave again! In the last few days, I was sick with the rota virus. If you thought the puking scene from The Exorcist was something, you haven’t been in my bathroom on that damned Monday night! But I digress;

    One pass WTG head shave plus cleanups and a bit of beard contours. GF 2 is a great scent for the warmer season IMHO and it’s great to come back with a quality SW soap. I only yesterday felt good enough to knock down the longer stubble on my head with a trimmer, but nothing beats wetshaving for the slick bald look.

    These KAI blades are still no good for my skin. I should finally seek out the Protouch MG again, expensive as they are but the shaves were so much smoother.

  • SOTD 25.03.2024

    • Prep: warm water
    • Razor: RazoRock Gamechanger 0.84 OC; Wilkinson Hydro sensitive
    • Blade: BIC Chrome Platinum; Wilkinson Hydro 3
    • Brush: RazoRock Beehive 28 mm
    • Lather: Noble Otter - Neon Sun
    • Post Shave: Natura Siberica ASB gel

    Finally time to post a proper SOTD again! After my uncomfortable hiatus, I actually had a crammed weekend and today off work but still packed with preparations. I feel way better since returning from Bad Liebenstein…

    2 pass head shave, first with the Gamechanger WTG and a second fast one with the cartridge razor ATG. These Hydro 3 treat me well since I found out that I can simply remove the gel strips with my thumbnail - pluck, and they’re gone for good! I much prefer my soap to be the sole provider of slickness, K THX.

    Neon Sun was awesome after almost no soap usage (excluding Moon’s Union) for six weeks. Great scent, good feeling on the skin and a nice bald head without irritation as the final result. Now I really need to sleep since I have lots of early shifts in the next few days, but it’s good to be back here. 👌🏻

  • SOTD 17.03.2024

    • Prep: warm water
    • Razor: Wilkinson Hydro 5
    • Blade: Hydro 5 cartridge
    • Brush: AP Shave Co. Snakeskin w/ 26 mm Flattop/Fan hybrid
    • Lather: Proraso - Wood & Spice cream
    • Post Shave: Phytorelax Headshave ASB

    Hi folks, long time no post from me.

    Unfortunately, the internship has worn me down quite a bit. I feel mentally drained and barely have time for any hobbies anymore… The work is extremely exhausting and trying to cram a lot into the weekend is not working out too great.

    Long story short, the Wilkinson Classic broke and I had to get a replacement at the local drugstore. I went with a Hydro 5, but I feel how it’s rather irritating on my scalp. Even though it’s a nice cartridge razor since the gel reservoir can be easily removed. If there would be a 2-blade cartridge with no lubrication strip/gel stuff I’d be really happy. Something like the BIC disposables, but more eco friendly and reusable…

    Hope you’re all well. I certainly look forward to my last week here…

  • So I turned 30 on March 1st, 2024. Still hard to believe. 30 damn years on this planet… Feels like just a while ago when I used to get up on Saturday just to watch cartoons, later graduated from school, took a few sidesteps in my path and now? Boom, thirty.

    I was actually anxious about turning 30, believe it or not. All those expectations that society has about someone in their 30s is weighing down on me a bit. I always hoped to live a successful and great life by now. But well… It’s never too late to change your ways once you realise you’ve been following a wrong path. My SOTD post goes a bit more in depth about this, but I digress.

    My internship is fucking brutal to say the least - me and my classmate hoped for relaxed late shifts by Tuesday, but the first one was already hard and it only became worse. By now, half of the station I work at is sick with Influenza A. So I have to wear a lot of PPE on top of the already hard job at a neurological rehabilitation station. Quite a few colleagues there are sick too. For some reason, I still push through. I want to get through this. I survived working in pandemic conditions, so I know I can do this.

    On another note, some young folks believe that every bit of fun ends when you’re turning 30 and that you’ll need to be super serious by then. But well, let me disappoint you: I still wear my skull shirts and jewelry, I still crack stupid and annoying jokes and laugh about weird and random stuff, I still don’t listen to freeform jazz or “Volksmusik” and I still don’t wear fancy suits if I don’t have to. If I could tell my 20 year old self something, it’d be: Life is what you make of it - follow your own path, don’t be afraid to fail, don’t be afraid to turn a complete 180° and develop in another direction. Don’t give a damn what others say behind your back about you, because it only matters that you are comfortable with yourself and the way you do things. Cherish those who really support you and be there for them as they will return the favour when you’re in need of help and support. That’s it.

    I’m ready for my thirties and I hope it’ll be one of the best times of my life when I reflect on it someday.

  • SOTD 01.03.2024

    • Prep: warm water
    • Razor: Wilkinson Sword Classic
    • Blade: Rapira Platinum Lux
    • Brush: AP Shave Co. Snakeskin w/ 26 mm Flattop/Fan hybrid
    • Lather: Moon Soaps - Union
    • Post Shave: Isana toner; Phytorelax Headshave ASB
    • Fragrance: Tom Ford Ombre Leather EdP

    Birthday head shave. I actually post this on the second of March in my time zone, but on the first I turned 30 years old.

    When I was younger, I always thought that by 30 I’d have everything in order: successful job, a own house, a wife, maybe kids or at least plans to get one. Instead I celebrated my 30th birthday with Tom, my classmate from nursing school who accompanies me during an internship because I am currently still in a retraining to become a registered nurse as I realized by 2020 that being an occupational therapist isn’t my ‘real’ thing. We did a small celebration in our little room at the rehabilitation centre in Bad Liebenstein where we’re currently working and sleeping. I swerved. I realised that I was on a wrong path and that something else is my true passion that I’d have never thought of if it wasn’t for the Covid pandemic forcing me into that job. Still no house of my own. Still no wife, not even a girlfriend. But I still have something worthwhile: friends. So many people wrote to me today, it was overwhelming to see what a positive impact I have on others.

    Oh, the shave itself was rushed. Just one pass before my late shift at my station. Moon’s Union is a small diameter tub so it fit nicely into my backpack as I wanted to have at least one luxurious shave for my special day… But this being a barbershop soap fits. A clean cut, a fresh start, a new decade of my life. Time to rock my thirties!

  • SOTD 20.02.2024

    • Prep: warm water
    • Razor: Wilkinson Classic black
    • Blade: Rapira Platinum Lux
    • Brush: AP Shave Co. Snakeskin w/ 26 mm Flattop/Fan hybrid
    • Lather: Proraso Wood & Spice cream
    • Post Shave: Phytorelax Headshave ASB

    Today’s shave was with a different razor, so I consider it interesting enough to post it here. 😁

    1 pass head shave. It’s not as close as with the Headblade, but way more comfortable. I stand firmly with my older statement: safety razors might not be as fast for shaving your head, but way more comfortable. Even the cheap black plastic Wilkinson Classic is extremely good for it, especially with the covered blade tabs.

  • SOTD 19.02.2024

    • Prep: warm water
    • Razor: Headblade S4 Lunar Eclipse
    • Blade: HB 2
    • Brush: AP Shave Co. Snakeskin w/ 26 mm Fan/Flattop
    • Lather: Proraso Wood & Spice cream
    • Post Shave: Phytorelax Headshave ASB

    So today’s shave was basically a repeat of yesterday. I brought the Headblade with me for convenience - the Proraso cream is almost empty, so I hope I’ll be able to kill it while I’m over here.

    1 pass, very fast but not super comfortable. Well, there’s always a downside to everything.

  • First week of the internship at the neurological station at the rehabilitation center in Bad Liebenstein is over. Not gonna lie, the first 3 days were hard. I felt like a complete idiot there. Lots of tracheostoma, wounds, blood tests and other profound medical work. Since yesterday, I worked at something called the “Überwachungsraum” where the patients are constantly monitored 24/7. There’s lots of information there and I already had lots of impressions crammed into the first week… I’m really exhausted but I know that I can learn a lot there.

    There’s downsides too. A few of the nurses over there have a holier than thou attitude and think everyone who works in a nursing home is a failure. There are others however who are really helpful and explain lots of things, including a few of the doctors. Our room we got over there is the same size as the patients rooms are, with the exception that we live as two people over there instead of having a room for each of us. On the other hand, this prevents us from feeling lonely as we always have someone to talk about what we experienced throughout the day. And the beds are awful… I never thought that I’d already sleep in a care bed (similar to a hospital bed) that creaks every time when I turn around at age 29, but here we are. My back and neck will be really grateful for my own bed for two nights now, but this helps me to appreciate what I have.

    All in all, my shaves are quite uninspired and disappointing during the week. I had to buy a tub of Speick cream and will bring my Proraso Wood&Spice cream when I return on Sunday evening to not become crazy due to the monotony. Fancy SOTDs will be reserved for the weekends now. But I’ll do everything for my future career 💪🏻

  • SOTD 13.02.2024

    • Prep: warm water
    • Razor: Wilkinson Sword Classic
    • Blade: Rapira Platinum Lux
    • Brush: AP Shave Co. Snakeskin w/ 26 mm Flattop/Fan hybrid
    • Lather: Speick shaving cream
    • Post Shave: Dick Johnson’s God Spray; Phytorelax Headshave ASB

    Haven’t posted in a while, although I did a few mediocre shaves since we’ve arrived at Liebenstein. The internship is so-so; tons of interesting medical stuff but not much to do for me. It was only the second day though, I have hope that I’ll become better accustomed to everything.

    1 pass head shave, nice smooth dome. I brought the brush, black plastic Wilkinson Classic razor and the blades with me, but only bought the Speick cream today. I had an awful brushless cream before and it just didn’t do anything justice. Today was much better and way more comfortable…

  • Thank you for all those tips and the kind words! It’s really great to feel how supportive the wetshaving community is.

    I’m already on the list (and checking it twice). Otherwise, I’d forget so much important stuff. As for the exams, our school/teachers really tried their best to prepare us well and I promised my classmate that we’d practice together. United we are strong, somehow. I’m kinda glad we have midterms this time, as we didn’t have them when I became an OT and that made final exams so much worse in terms of stress. Re-reading all the important knowledge will definitely pay off in the end.

  • So right now I need to pack my stuff for one of my final long internships of my retraining to become an RN - tomorrow, me and a classmate will be traveling to Bad Liebenstein, where we do our hospital internship at a neurological clinic/rehabilitation centre. We’ll stay there during the week and only leave on the weekends. It’s nice to not be alone during this internship and despite my classmate being almost 9 years younger than me, he and I get along well. It’s 10 weeks in total - first 6 weeks, then 2 weeks at our actual employer, then the “Zwischenprüfung” (midterm exams?) and a few weeks of school before the final 4 weeks are concluded in summer around June.

    Speaking of the mid-term exams, I’m kinda nervous about everything… actually, nervous is quite the understatement. I already had trouble sleeping tonight due to waking up from weird dreams. Packing up stuff also isn’t my strong suit so everything is very stressful for me atm. I’m looking forward to learning some interesting new things, but at the same time I’m unsure how we’ll be accepted there, since a few people there didn’t seem very welcoming…

    Nevertheless, I hope for the best possible outcome. Have a nice weekend, everyone!