Unabhängig von den scheinbar kontroversen Figuren würde mich interessieren ob und wenn ja warum Kappen in der Altersklasse so beliebt sind. In meiner Blase, geschätzt ähnliches Alter, trägt niemand Hüte.
Unabhängig von den scheinbar kontroversen Figuren würde mich interessieren ob und wenn ja warum Kappen in der Altersklasse so beliebt sind. In meiner Blase, geschätzt ähnliches Alter, trägt niemand Hüte.
That should not stop you from trying. You, and everyone else in this thread for that matter, just drop excuses. Either you guys finally start removing some billionaires, I’m all for that, or you start doing the little things. Ideally, just do both.
Performance problems aside (menus take ages to load in), I like the game quite a bit. There is just so much stuff: 120 characters, two additional fighting systems for special events, a card game, a bayblade minigame, a castle/town upgrade system and probably much more - I’m not even halfway done. The combat is quite auto-attack heavy and therefore simple, but keep in mind I’m olaying with double MP cost for all abilities (one of the additional challanges to tweak your own difficulty, like the ones in Dragon Quest XI).
As for the EXP thing, there are a few things that happened to align for me. EXP works like this:
Now, what actually happened to me is: I fought a unique mini-boss encounter with 5 enemies. I was overall underleveled and got wiped twice. The third time however, I won with only my weakest character still standing - he was 8 level below my team average. He got about 1200 EXP for the level difference * 5 enemies * 6, since only he survived, resulting in about 35 level ups.
You might want to know that FF Tactics and FF Tactics Advance are different games entirely, unlike FF V and FF V Advance for example. They couldn’t even keep a consistent naming scheme for ports/new games within the FF franchise.
Now, depending on who you ask, only one of these two is good. I firmly believe FF Tactics Advance is the better game, most ofher people will sing the praise of FF Tactics.
Having played both, just between you and me: FF Tactics has so much jank, I couldn’t finish it despite FF Tactics Advance remaining in my Top 10 since release. It has an awesome story, but there are just so many battles you simply have to restart over and over because the NPC you should be protecting dies before you get a single turn in. And don’t even get me started on the two occasions you get prompted to save your game inbetween two missions - soft-locking your game if you cannot win the second one.
And, SRPG fans are firmly separated by perma-death. Some think the genre needs it and FF Tactics has it. Others, including me, dislike perma-death and FF Tactics Advance doesn’t have it (with few exceptions).
Eiyuden Chronicles
Despite playing on the highest difficulty with all extra challanges, it’s quite chill right now. Due to some quirks in how EXP works, one of my characters shot up 35 levels in a single fight. While he is lvl 55, everyone else - including my enemies - are around lvl 28.
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, I’m a sucker for SRPGs. But Golden Sun is up there for sure.
I don’t think this ever happend to me. I started on the GBA and to this day every single RPG I played on there holds up - might be specific to the genre. I never played much else.
Why would I even care? Sometimes you can smell my love of garlic and onions too, I have no shame in what I am or what I do.
I think it was a fun episode. The animation is still great and the world building is interesting. I wonder why demons were choosen to rule over the universe - does the demon realm have something like Kais choosen from the ‘normal’ realm?
Given that the goldfish doesn’t like to let people through, I also wonder how long we will be stuck with the current squad. A few more episodes would be fine to give Glorio and the new girl from the opening some time to establish themselves, but I’m still not invested in them - or Shin for that matter. Shin and Glorio are both too serious, but I guess Piccolo, Vegeta and Bulma aren’t helping with that.
It would be hilarious if Vegeta and the others find another way in and we cut to Kibito still trying different PINs for the remainder of the series. I don’t think I’ve seen him with the others during the opening, but I could be wrong.
I’m still interested in seeing some stuff about the old cast - I hope we get some B plot episodes with them. I’d also love a few episodes about Babidi coming in and capturing Dabura.
Die ganze Welt geht im Namen des Kapitalismus den Bach runter und die Profiteure fragen sich, warum wir nicht alle freudestrahlend mehr Arbeitsdrohnen produzieren. Es ist und bleibt ein Rätsel.
Sie ist sogar noch ein gutes Stück jünger als Trump oder Biden - dort drüben wäre sie noch voll wählbar!
Become a bad programmer and be thankful you won’t have to further maintain your code instead!
Yeah, now I’m curious if 18 is still an android. Some things did change back, others seemingly didn’t.
Only Trunks and Goten got new cloths for example, which kinda makes sense. I would have loved the old Vegeta or Piccolo cloths. They got rid of facial hair, but other than Krillin, nobody changed their hair style. At the very least, I would have guessed Bulma would have a different hair style.
As for Roshi, his eyebrows reverted color. Maybe he was just bald?
Could be. I did remember him having hair in Dragon Ball, but apparently that’s filler. The manga only showed Roshi as a bald student under Mutaito.
Shenron saying he only grants three wishes for returning customers confirmed my earlier sentiment that lore doesn’t matter in Daima and they just do what’s funny in the moment. There would have been easy explanations otherwise (it’s only one wish due to the ritual or he doesn’t have enough power for two more wishes since Dende is now an infant). So, I’ll stop mentioning lore stuff.
As for the actual episode: It was fine.
I’m kinda sad neither Korin nor the turtle are considered ‘friends of Goku’ - at least that’s how the wish was translated for me. As for the actual designs, I would have prefereed to have child designs and not just chibis. I guess the main difference here would be their hair, like Roshi for example having some. And of course their cloths, after all a lot of these characters already have cild designs.
I’d like to know what’s up with Gohan. Dende reverted back to an infant and Piccolo is a child now. Gohan should be inbetween them (ignoring their different aging process) - so which is he?
Popo seems interesting, his horns are similar to an Oni, I guess. Up until now I’d have classified him as genie. More story on him would be great.
I would have liked more time with the full cast, but I guess it’s adventure time now.
Das ist nichts neues - Wahlkampf in den USA ist reinster Kapitalismus. Wenn man bestimmte Regionen gewinnen möchte, dann passt man nicht seine Inhalte an die Region an. Man investiert besonders viel Geld in seine Kampange dort.
Wer keine absurde Summe über Monate hinweg investieren kann, der kann nicht Präsident werden.
Wenn nur reiche Leute Politik für sich machen werden die auch nichts daran ändern um den Pöbel reinzulassen.
Just looking on youtube, you can find binaural beats for pretty much anything: inflammation cure, pain relief, changing your eye colour, finding love and becoming rich. All the ones I’ve looked at feature comments from people claiming they’ve helped them.
They can’t possibly do all of the above and I don’t think there a studies proving anything but a placebo effect.
And, without truly believing in them, they never had any effect on me. I’ve tried them in my youth.
Und es würde sie sogar wählbar machen, wenn sie in der Regieung jemals etwas Vergleichbares gemacht hätten. Die führen Wahlkampf als wären sie Opposition.
It’s been a fun episode, like always. However, I think we’ve had enough setup episodes at this point. The next one will probably introduce the new girl properly and after that I’m ready to get the plot rolling.
That being said, there is still a lot of interesting stuff in there. I’m most curious about the fusion bugs - I hope we get some wacky combinations. Also, is it a third kind of fusion with new designs or would e.g. Goku + Vegeta result in either Vegitto or Gogeta?