DefinitelyNotAPhone [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • I’ve been on a Wunderwaffen kick recently, but we’ll keep it up: this is a preview of every major NATO weapons system that hasn’t already seen extensive combat the second it goes up against anyone capable of shooting back with something larger than small arms fire. Anyone telling you otherwise is drinking the koolaid or selling it.

    You win wars through producing high quality, reliable, simple weapon systems and then making sure your troops know how to use them and that you can continue to produce and ship replacements + ammo to the front lines. That’s it. No plane will ever be invisible to enemy radar, no tank will ever be invincible, no anti-missile defense will ever shoot down even half of incoming fire reliably. It all boils down to a numbers game in the end.

  • No no, you see, having your weapon systems cost 5 times as much money as the opposing side’s is a good thing actually. Clearly it means it’s 150 times more effective, according to this marketing presentation I found from the for-profit corporation that makes it and then sells it to the military and this press release from the general whose entire career is intrinsically tied to it, both of whom couldn’t possibly be biased in any way!

  • Well, I’d rather the day be sooner than later.

    Agreed, but we’re not the ones making the decision. And the people who are have two options: move forward with a risky, expensive, and potentially career-ending move with no benefits other than the system being a little more maintainable, or continuing on with business-as-usual and earning massive sums of money they can use to buy a bigger yacht next year. It’s a pretty obvious decision, and the consequences will probably fall on whoever takes over after they move on or retire, so who cares about the long term consequences?

    You run months and months of simulated transactions on the new code until you get an adequate amount of bugs fixed.

    The stakes in financial services is so much higher than typical software. If some API has 0.01% downtime or errors, nobody gives a shit. If your bank drops 1 out of every 1000 transactions, people lose their life savings. Even the most stringent of testing and staging environments don’t guarantee the level of accuracy required without truly monstrous sums of money being thrown at it, which leads us back to my point above about risk vs yachts.

    There will come a time when these old COBOL machines will just straight die, and they can’t be assed to keep making new hardware for them.

    Contrary to popular belief, most mainframes are pretty new machines. IBM is basically afloat purely because giant banks and government institutions would rather just shell out a few hundred thousand every few years for a new, better Z-frame than going through the nightmare that is a migration.

    If you’re starting to think “wow, this system is doomed to collapse under its own weight and the people in charge are actively incentivized to not do anything about it,” then you’re paying attention and should probably start extending that thought process to everything else around you on a daily basis.

  • Feudalism never ended, it just transitioned from a bunch of failsons inheriting land titles to a bunch of failsons getting middle management jobs through nepotism. Every company larger than 50 people is a vast internal labyrinth of lords-in-everything-but-name jockeying for promotions, accolades, and raises by inflating their roles, and the best thing you can do for yourself is find a position that isolates you as hard as possible from having to deal with that yourself lest you end up spending 50 hours a week working to get one over some petty rival of your boss.