• 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2023


  • lemmy community or the corresponding subreddit

    ah, yes. Such reliable sources of info. I’m sure her antis aren’t going into those communities spreading doubt.

    I’m not going to tell you “The Trans Community” like her because there is no monolith, but she is respected by many lgbtq+/ally creators, so I’ll be deferring to them over randos online. The biggest voices I’ve heard criticizing her for not making the donation have been anti-woke dramatubers, so I doubt their intentions are so pure. Hell, even Legal Mindset decided to weight in on whether or not Vshojo could fire her based on the assumption that Vshojo doesn’t know the full story and before he was originator to the vtuber crowd, he was putting out anti-woke videos criticizing Disney. There is a definite pattern with the loudest voices criticizing her that make me question their motives.

  • His TeamSeas program is a misuse of funds. He’s pulling plastic out of the ocean at no where near the rate it’s being put in. If he wanted to help, he should have been pushing anti-consumption ideas and replacing plastics with alternatives, but that wouldn’t make his sponsors happy. Remind me, is his chocolate bars wrapped in plastic or paper? What about his weird ass water bottle?

  • This cave is not a natural formation…

    This line was recorded when the entrance was more natural looking, but play testers had trouble finding it. The entrance was changed to be more obvious, but they didn’t have time to rerecord the lines and it still made enough sense, so it was left.

    Also, having played Bungie’s previous FPS, Marathon… yeah, there’s some maze-hell levels in that game. Everyone memes on Colony Ship For Sale, Cheap, but Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! was a real hell to figure out without guides. I understand wanting players to actually finish their games.