… idk, not boxy enough :)
… idk, not boxy enough :)
Ducky McDuckyFace?
Must bend all humans
- Bender Zapp Brannigan
Love it, peak utility design, and it’s cute.
Even as just a little treat??
No, just remove French language, all the ads are there.
Can’t modernise peak operating system
Omg, I love them.
And if that is not a Trucky McTruckyface I dont know what is.
Oh, I didn’t know that, thx!
And now when you buy their games none of moneys will go to the actual devs??
(Or do they get royalties?)
Arr, what a shitty system we built for ourselves.
With blackcats & chonkers!!
Where Miata tank specs?
Grow a long meat beast.
Old is yeet to be.
Thats the opposite of good news.
Unless you are a Blender robot.
Idiotic position in 2024 BC too.
Evey plant is a fucking plant if you in-plant it far enough.
Is it Mary Jane you are looking for??
I have consisted it.
Now what?
Don’t leave me hanging!!
(But absolutely do not make me consider others mortality - I get super depressed either by the lack of it or the inevitability of it (for the very select few).)
Waitress did.