Summertime Soviet

One of Lemmygrad’s original admins


He/Him Firearms Engineer

May the sea bless you, and may Marxism-Leninism guide you.

  • 7 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2019

  • This whole situation feels like copium for the failing CO.

    Like fuck Musk, of course, but at this point it’s hard to ignore that Ukraine’s having a rough time. So Liberals are going to look for anything they can to make excuses, not unlike how Neo-Nazis make excuses for Germany’s failure in WWII, by blaming the weather or pitting the blame for failure on one or two figures.

    Starlink also sucks, it’s genuinely horrid internet. It’s only useful if you’re far from cell signal and you want to access social media or streaming services, and at that, only if you’re willing to accept buffering and snail-slow speeds. It’s not something a military would want to exclusively use for coordination. Ukraine’s military probably has its own internet, and its own secondary lines of communication. Blaming Starlink outages is simply illogical.

  • They aren’t “permanent” leaders. For instance, Stalin, Castro, and the Kims all retained power because they continued to be democratically elected into their positions. Notoriously Stalin asked to leave his position multiple times, and was turned down.

    The need for long terms without term limits can be explained by it being very hard to get anything done when you can easily be replaced by disagreeing factions. Building Socialism requires long projects that generally have high costs, such as industrialization, refitting of industries, rebuilding wartorn portions of the country, etc. Projects like these can take 10+ years, and then require more time afterwards to ensure that the project was a success. Stalin’s industrialization of the USSR wouldn’t have been possible if the anti-leninist factions acquired power before they were finished, for example.

    Having one leader stay in power over a long period also helps to keep capitalist bandits from leading a colour revolution in your country. For instance, if Russia had term limits - thus meaning Putin couldn’t’ve stayed in power for 20 years - the country likely would’ve become a Western colony. The same is true of a Socialist example, like Cuba. It’s hard to depose a leader who’s beloved by their people. Even harder when it’s the only leader those people have ever known.

  • Even if that’s the case (it isn’t always) it’s a lot better to have a local boot than a foreign one.

    Africans deserve to be governed by Africans, not politicians who turn their country over to imperialists for profit. It’s much better to critically support coups in the imperialized world when they’re done by local interests than it is to make blanket statements and deny local voices their self-determination.

  • To be honest, I like that they added tanks to the game. I started playing a little after the tanks update, and the game was fun as hell back then. There weren’t try-hards, there weren’t game breaking mechanics, you only had like 4 nations to choose from (if not only three, I don’t remember how many were there at launch) and generally, the game was just a lot better.

    now there’s a million nations, the same tanks in a lot of the trees, too many BR levels so you’re stuck fighting tanks that are way too powerful for yours because you happen to be nearer the end of the BR range you’re in. And simple fragments of a round that hit feet from your tank can breach your hull and kill your entire crew?! It’s absolute ass, and world of tanks is far from a substitute unlike what some people insist upon it being.

    I would love a tank game that forced you to actually use tank tactics and work with your teammates, and didn’t allow you to use period-inaccurate tanks for “”““balance””“”. But, unfortunately, I haven’t found that yet.

  • I hate Orwell, but man was right about the doublespeak thing.

    western MSM will say “democracy” when they’re talking about western leaning dictatorships, and “dictatorship” when they’re talking about non-western democracies.

    The only “democracy” in French West Africa is what has been built by its local inhabitants, not what the white man has forced upon them. Full solidarity with the coups, freedom comes from the barrel of a gun.

  • is it actually good?

    if you like pouring months of your life into a game where most players use the most toxic methods of getting kills and then shame you for complaining about them, then yes.

    if not? hell the fuck NO

    Genuinely, I commented on a youtuber’s video (wherein he was talking about issues with the BR system, and how it’s not great for new and casual players) that I had limited time to play the game every day, and after doing the math I found that it would take me nearly half a year to unlock the next tank in my tree, even with XP buffs. I got so many replies, including one from the youtuber (then an offhanded mention by the youtuber in a toxic af follow-up video complaining about the casual player base) telling me to just “get good” and “stop whining”.

    Honestly, if you’re not willing to spend your rent money to just buy vehicles, it’s just not enjoyable long term. I played the game every day all day for about three straight months and got seriously burnt out with it, then picked it back up years later and played about an hour every day for about a month, still got dreadfully burnt out.

    I know that some people do genuinely enjoy the game without buying premium, but I just can’t see eye to eye with them. I just think the game’s horrid, pretty much entirely because of the community.

  • of course, this comes from pure conjecture because the facts haven’t been laid out yet. But I highly doubt the plane crash was orchestrated by Russian officials.

    Russia’s doing really good in the international community right now (not the NATO one, the actual one) and is winning their war. The only thing Russia has going in the international sphere right now are reasons to celebrate. Meanwhile, NATO’s suffering a major defeat in Ukraine, the international community is trying to distance themselves from dependency on NATO, etc.

    Who benefits the most from Prigozhin’s death is the West. Already they’ve used it to stir the pot against Russia. Without Wagner Group’s leadership, they’ve been significantly weakened, this matters because they’ve been the powerhouse of the Ukraine war, and because they could become a major obstacle to regaining colonial control over Niger. WG’s leader being murdered also furthens the division between the Russian State and the mercenary group, NATO could harness this to their advantage. It could also increase the risk of civil emergency, as those who saw themselves as being more loyal to Prigozhin than Putin could seek retribution if they believed Putin was to blame.

    It’s not unheard of within Russian politics for opposition to be assassinated, so the chance exists for this to be that. But I really don’t think Putin nor his strategists would think killing Prigozhin is a good idea. At least not while NATO’s looking for any reason to up the war effort, and tensions in Africa could escalate.

  • Bro, you’re on a Marxist-Leninist instance.

    None of us believe the revolution will happen overnight. We believe in building the revolution through raising class-conscienceness. We understand that what needs to happen takes time, and we understand that sometimes it’s a Sisyphusian struggle. It’s not “no compromise, no discussion” as you stated, we understand the need for discussion. Talk to any principled communist, you’ll get an honest discussion. But you also have to understand that there’s absolutely no room for compromise if that compromise means counter-revolutionaries can prevent actual change from happening. If you’ve heard the adage “give an inch, take a mile”, that applies in the instance of building a brighter future.

    If we let racists have a say, they’ll prevent measures to repair racial relations. If we let sexists have a say, they’ll prevent measures for gender equality. If we let supporters of the current socio-economic system have a say, they’ll prevent the transition to a better system. This isn’t just conjecture, these are things that we’ve learned from previous revolutions, and from our efforts towards creating new revolutions. Marxism-Leninism is a scientific ideology, we observe the world, explain it, then learn from it. We have learned that we can’t compromise, or detractors will take everything away from the revolution that they can.

    Further, we understand that the revolution will, very likely, come in the form of social upheaval and civil war. No successful revolution has come into being without bloodshed. We know we can’t just vote socialism into being. When the revolution eventually comes, it will be solidified by the deaths of many of our fellow countryfolk. This isn’t something we take pride in, this isn’t something we wish for. But it’s something we deeply understand.

    You have tried to make a point, without understanding that this is something that we’re already fully aware of. History says it, our theory says it, our forums say it. You’re reminding us of something we’ve all read and discussed many times.