
  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I think I understand your argument as being “in a vacuum, being autistic isn’t bad”, which i agree with in a way; being neurodivergent in any sense technically isn’t a bad thing, just a different thing. However, especially with people who are very autistic to the point of struggling to take care of themselves, autism and other neurodivergence can definitely present huge challenges and difficulties for the person themselves and the people around them. We do not live in a vacuum and society as it stands and has stood for hundreds of years is simply not built to be neurodivergent-friendly. At all. I have ADHD which many would think is “not as bad” as autism, yet I have struggled and gone through so mich pain and difficulties simply because of it. It has been an overall net negative. I suspect I may be a bit autistic too, but don’t use the label as I haven’t gone out of my way to seek a formal diagnosis. In any case, saying that autism isn’t “a bad thing” can be touchy because it ignores a lot of real challenges and pain autistic people have gone through and is fairly close to the (frankly patronizing IMO) “autism/ADHD is a superpower” stuff. It doesn’t feel like a superpower when you’re suffering because of it.

    Sorry for the ramble, it’s a bit of a difficult and nuanced topic.

  • I think it’s more a reference to pausing the doom scrolling which is maybe a habit to avoid the boredom or discomfort of the current situation, and trying to focus on enjoying that. Enjoying your time eating lunch or dinner, and focusing on that, instead of scrolling or watching a video always. Enjoying a walk without a podcast or music. Enjoying the comfort of being safe and warm in bed instead of distracting from thoughts. Things like that. It’s a skill you build and as you build it you will be more open to getting dopamine from sources other than doomscrolling. Other benefits include being able to manage uncomfortable thoughts and feelings better and also have the boredom and discomfort drive you to do other things. Of course this works best when paired with things like DBT skills to help with thoughts and emotions.