• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 9th, 2023


  • Not to mention you never apply that same lens about aggression to the actions of Israel.

    Sure I can. For example, Israel attacked Iran with an airstrike. That’s an act of war. When Iran retaliated, nobody pretended the victim was the aggressor like they are now with Israel and Hezbollah.

    I think Israelis and Palestinians need to have a Secular One-State with equal rights for both

    Unfortunately I think that would be very difficult in practice. How to ensure it remains secular?

  • all media

    Not true. The fairness doctrine only applied to broadcast media on public airwaves. It has never applied to newspapers (the NYT endorsed Eisenhower in 1952) or cable news.

    And it was repealed in 1987, under Reagan. However, broadcast media (not newspapers or cable news) are still subject to the equal time rule.

    The reason that these rules only affect broadcast media is that there is a limited number of broadcast licenses, but no limit to the number of newspapers or cable channels. It has nothing to do with Nazis, in fact the equal time rule originated in 1927.