• 33 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • That is the dumbest thing. All of my comp sci stuff was open everything because out in the real world you would never be programming without those resources available. I don’t see why IT wouldn’t be the same. If they are testing your competency then you should have access to the internet just like you would in a job. If they are testing your memory then they should just use a lockdown browser or something.

  • Nuclear is on the decline for the same reason we aren’t fighting climate change in other ways; it’s expensive. Building new nuclear powerplants is far more expensive up front than other methods of generating power so a new power plant won’t actually start seeing a return on investment for a decade at least. Shareholders now a days are allergic to anything that doesn’t see a return on investment within 3 months. Nuclear power plants also take much longer to build than other power plants. Don’t take this as me being antinuclear. I would have a nuclear power plant in my basement if I could; but nuclear power does have it’s disadvantages.

    As far as geoengineering goes it’s just that our governments are already dramatically mishandling the current situation. Do we really want to risk them making it much worse in new and exciting ways when we could just be lowering our CO2 output instead?

  • Yes, if you run hundreds of amps through metal it gets hot, but that’s not electrocution which is what the person you’re replying to is talking about. You can’t really electrocute someone with less than about 50V because the human body has too much resistance. You can try it yourself; lick 2 fingers and touch both poles of a car battery; you won’t feel anything because your skin has too much resistance for 12V to meaningfuly pass through. The only danger a 12V battery poses is if you short it with a piece of metal then that metal will get very hot and often hot enough to melt or explode both itself and/or the battery. But as far as torture goes a car battery is a very round about way to heat up a chunk of metal when you could just use a torch or something.

  • When people talk about “christians” they always fail to realize that there are hundreds of different denominations. Some are going to be psycho snake swingers or ultra regressive loons. Others are just regular people who believe in god. People always focus on the crazies because the crazies are the ones standing around screeching.

    But there are plenty of denominations that are left leaning as fuck because, guess what, Jesus as described in the bible was a socialist hippy who hung out with sex workers, leppers, and other social outcasts. For example the church I always went to was pro same sex marriage as far back as 2005, so long before it was legal in most states (I just don’t remember it comming up before that).

    So some ultra regressives (like the person who made those comics) are anti-education because they’re against anything that doesn’t promote their worldview. But I’d say the vast majority of christians aren’t like that at all.

  • I can’t give you a peer reviewed source or anything but most of my family works in medicine including a couple of travel nurses who have worked in basically every department at one point or another at a variety of hospitals around the country.

    Emergent care just means things like emergency rooms, urgent care, and clinic visits. It is a term used to describe the hospital departments that cover visits for new “emergent” conditions. Unless you’ve worked in a hospital you probably wouldn’t have heard that term but it does get used often behind the scenes.

    Those departments tend to be money sinks for hospitals for several reasons. Firstly, because they need to remain staffed all the time, rather than being able to schedule staffing around scheduled appointments. Secondly, the cases seen there are usually less profitable for the hospital; treating little Timmys strep throat makes them far less money than Franks orthopedic surgery. Finally, people are just far less likely to pay when visiting those departments. If you don’t have insurance then your only real option for medical treatment is to go to the ER and just ignore the bill because the hospital legally has to treat you regardless of whether you can pay or not and collecting on medical debt is far more tricky than it is with other debts.

  • It’s not a HIPPA violation if you’re a minor and the information is being released to your parents. In fact, I’m pretty sure they’re required to disclose any and all information to your parents unpon request. Minors have no rights to privacy against their parents at least in the US.