Ha! Just remembered the name of the novel. Hyperion by Dan Simmons. The Rabies name was Sol Weintraub, for what that’s worth. OK, now I can think about something else…
Ha! Just remembered the name of the novel. Hyperion by Dan Simmons. The Rabies name was Sol Weintraub, for what that’s worth. OK, now I can think about something else…
My understanding of the story (in the novel, which I still can’t remember the name) was that in knuckling under to the command to murder his own child, Abraham failed the test.
There is a novel, and damned if I can remember the title, where a rabi proposes that god commanding Abraham to kill his son was a test, which he (Abraham) failed.
Yep, Treasure of the Sierra Madre.
We don’t need no stinking badges!
(Just in case: not hate, just a possibly obscure reference)
Took me a few seasons to figure out that every season was the same. “I think we’ve found a place to settle down, but there might be a problem…”.
I will be very surprised if the cheeto spends a single day in jail.
More and more every day.
Maybe ‘biblical literalist’ might be a better term.
Self descriptive.
Standing in line in the basement of the CS building at UofM to get access to a card punch machine and type up my Fortran 4 program.