I agree entirely. It’s impressive the act of deception that produced a nation so anti-socialist while looking at it’s own history it’s been the socialist who’ve done the most for the people.
I agree entirely. It’s impressive the act of deception that produced a nation so anti-socialist while looking at it’s own history it’s been the socialist who’ve done the most for the people.
Yeah, the sadistic ratchet-effect of American politics. D Party moves nanometers in the right direction, R Party moves kilometers in the wrong direction, D Party moves nanometers from the new center, repeat until… well this shite.
I appreciate that you’ve got some hope for our rotted out system. I don’t. The only hope for the future I see is a present in flames.
That being said, while I don’t think there’s any hope of reform the point I was making was that incrementalism has brought us tRump while bold action, not even revolution, almost a century ago staved off fascism for this long. If I’m mistaken and reform is possible I find it wholly inconceivable that it would be brought by the incrementalists, rather it would come by some stroke of luck that someone like Sanders… probably a bit harsher than him would attain high office and force positive change like FDR did.
I don’t think anyone wants the conditions of a revolution or the immediate aftermath thereof but it is a question of how bad would that be in the short-term verses how bad will it be in perpetuity, barring revolution at some later date. As is I couldn’t morally justify bringing kids into this apocalyptic hellscape.
The people of Vietnam rebelled against their French overlords with effectively nothing but their chains to begin with and then fought off a superpower to keep their independence. The people of Cuba deposed a fascist tyrant from similar destitution. It’s not easy but it’s entirely possible no matter how totalitarian the state is.
Honestly, we’ve had the “little steps in the right direction” off and on for eight decades now. Look where it’s gotten us.
We’ve already lost everything that could be said for the United States being good, setting aside any claims of greatness entirely, and have lost almost everything that would qualify it as decent. The politicians have realized they can get the votes of some of the people who want change by branding themselves incrementalists and then putting indefinitely many increments between what we have now and meaningful change.
Contrast with history. When has incrementalism ever worked for us? We got the New Deal from one President who knew how to lead. He didn’t give us a 1/2*Xth measure of making the American economy work for the workers. No, he got as much as possible then died wanting to do more.
This can/will likely be truthfully said about every tRump appointee. Mango Mussolini should’ve met the same fate as default Mussolini, not be rewarded with a second time trying to put the nation into a nosedive.
So, exactly what is to be expected from the new Nazis. Wholly unsurprising, however still something that everyone should be aware of.
Why are we assuming there is a why to the universe? Most of us don’t look at natural phenomena and truly wonder why. We may use that word erroneously but what is being wondered is “how”.
Seconding this; any meaning life has is created by the beings living it.
They’re the cult that venerates the rich and famous in a dystopia where money is power. Of course they’re powerful. Especially because some of the narcissistic fucks who they venerate have joined up and tithe to the vile organization.
Modern headlights are blinding to anyone not in the vehicle using them. Oncoming headlights if you’re in anything shorter than whatever is producing them makes it near-impossible to see the road.
Yeah. My grandmother sent my father to a Catholic school in part for the cult indoctrination… at least she has enough sense to be appalled about that specific school being one of the Catholic facilities involved in their child rape scandals at the time he was attending.
In the American Dystopia factual things are upsetting to some people on the basis of conflicting with their preferred fictions. They are, unfortunately, numerous enough that the sane people here don’t always have the time or energy to argue with those who actively refuse to see reason.
The owner class don’t create jobs. Work needs to be done regardless of their profitability, however their present control over the means to do it limits the work available to only what is most profitable for them and in as few jobs as possible for that profitable work.
Well, that and that those same SoBs can leverage their profits to induce scarcity where there isn’t naturally to further their profitability.
Truly disgusting. The culture of genocide, slavery, and colonialism with only the thinnest veneer of decency haphazardly draped over it and people who could see through the big lie about it become entangled in its trappings for fucking what?
No chance Louis XVI would have given the people of France a decent standard of living either. Things change when enough people can no longer tolerate how they are or how they are going.
Just need room temp super magnets so that the cars can “float” at a particular level of the magnetosphere. Don’t worry Mlon Eusk is about five minutes away from personally cracking that physics problem and will be selling cars utilizing it for generational debt tomorrow./s
I’d be more surprised if you told me it wasn’t. At this point, living in the American Dystopia, I expect anything obtainable to a Proletarian to be at least partially artificial and likely carcinogenic.
And dramatically reducing crash survival rates.
Honestly, at this point the entire American auto-market is dependent on the lack of competition. Things that are considered cars for regulatory purposes are hardly even made in this pit of a country.