So far, I’ve got only told about it and a friend sent me his friend code. But, his experience was the same as yours.
This person does not exist.
So far, I’ve got only told about it and a friend sent me his friend code. But, his experience was the same as yours.
I’ve found Leihs which looks exactly like what we’re looking for, but I’m struggling with the setup. Has anybody experience with Ansible and maybe with the setup of Leihs?
Thank you for your thoughts, I will continue to tinker around with snipe-it.
I can see your comment in my profile though. Weird.
So, I’ve set up a Snipe-IT instance to play around, and test some stuff.
What I’m lacking or failed to set up properly, is something like a calendar, where assigned assets and their expected return dates are shown.
Cannot see your comment on my instance, , but I checked it through another instance.
I don’t want to set up payment, I’ll look into snipe-it, thank you!
Thank you very much, might use that for my “bookclub” (talking about the books we’ve read throughout the year with my best-friend).
Pro-tip: Build a deck with two Jolteons and two Eevees, fill up with one different evolution (e.g. Eelektross evo) and the one Electabuzz. Rest should be trainer cards.
Jolteon is pure RNG but 3:1 is enough to oneshot all beast the expert trial throws at you, and you’ll reap in packs in no time.