Mostly kind chonky weirdo. Gentle nerd freak of the pacific north west. All nation states are vermin.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • In parliamentry systems you can dissolve parliament, requiring an election. It’s usually a way to bypass deadlock. Imagine if, when republicans are fucking around with the debt ceiling and pissing off the country, you could threaten to call a snap election and let them answer to voters then and there.

    So if this passes it would basically force a national referendum on netanyahu’s leadership.

    If gantz is pushing this, probably he thinks he can win. That could mean netanyahu’s many financial and political crimes being looked into again. Maybe.

    It could mean more of a focus on getting hostages back, but it might not lead to much change in gaza:

    Gantz’ centrism is not equivalent to Western centrism: Natenyahu’s Likud party and other Israeli nationalists have “gone so right-wing that the center in Israel has changed,” a Middle East Institute think tank fellow told Al Jazeera. Previously serving as Commander-in-Chief of the Israeli Defense Forces, Gantz has overseen two military offensives in Gaza and labeled several Palestinian NGOs terrorist organizations, indicating it is “unlikely” he would improve the conditions for Palestinians living in Gaza

  • You see your hardships, can’t look past the color of your skin, and project.

    I don’t see how my ‘hardships’ as a middle class white australian-american who moved to the US come into it. I’m describing how I observe the US to work.

    Yes, rich people are more likely to crowdfund their rich friends.

    White people are just more likely to be successful in their crowdfunding, even when poor.

    I’m not arguing that there are no poor white people, that’s silly. My wife’s dad’s grew up shoeless and white in rural illinois. The existence of poor white people doesn’t disprove the fact non white people are a greater target for deliberate impoverishment.

    I’m not deaf to class-based analysis. But this is the US. You just can’t talk about class without also talking about how racialized poverty is in most of the country. Crowdfunding is one of the many facits of our society that very clearly reflects that.

  • Why do you make this a white vs not white issue?

    Because that’s what the intention is.

    Republicans (post civil rights, Dixiecrats before that) specifically target non-white communities with laws designed to hurt them. They can’t be as explicit about it as they once were, so they have to find proxy targets. Instead of just jailing blacks, we’ll over-enforce drug laws in certain communities. Instead of saying we’re trying to starve black families, we’ll use ‘welfare mothers’ as a proxy. The goal is still the same as it was for all of US history - to win votes from whites by promising to take from non-whites. School vouchers. Stop and frisk. Zero tolerance approaches. Gang enforcement units.

    But using proxies instead of specifically targeting leads to some collateral emiseration. Luckily, white communities have vastly more intergenerational and communal wealth, so those crafting the laws know that white communities will be more resilient to the kind of damage they intend to inflict.

    not a problem with whites, it’s a problem with the rich.

    Crowdfunding success is heavily racialized. It strongly favours people with more wealth in their extended community or identity group. Poverty is incredibly racialized in the US, especially at the communal rather than individual level.

    I certainly agree that rich people enjoy watching all the poors suffer, but here in the US there’s still a large demographic beyond just the rich that feel safer when black and brown people are disproportionately targeted for misery.