Here’s my $.02.
I got the version with the very light touch keys, because they’re silent, and I’m not really a huge fan of super-loud keyboards.
It’s hard. The actuation force is so light that you have to be VERY precise in your typing, because accidentally brushing against another key is probably going to cause a typo. You also must be absolutely spot-on with your touch typing. I learned to type, uh, over 35 years ago, and I’ve been in the bad habit of mostly using three fingers on each hand to type. You absolutely cannot do that with the Glove 80. If you have ANY bad typing habits, it’s going to show up very, very quickly.
I do a lot of work in Illustrator and Photoshop; key combinations that I use all the time are not nearly as convenient anymore (e.g. ctrl + alt + i to resize and image) due to the location of some of the function keys being radically moved. The lack of a number pad means that I really need to pick up a separate one, because I work far, far faster in spreadsheets using the number pad.
I’m about four weeks in, I think?, and I’m def. not up to speed yet. OTOH, I’m getting better. I don’t think that some things will ever be easy for me, and it’s def. not a keyboard to use for gaming, but I think that I’ll eventually get back to where I am with a more traditional keyboard.
As one should. Carry on.