Just a guy doing stuff.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Whoops, I flubbed that message hard and didn’t catch it at the time: Meant to say “don’t use centralized databases.” They definitely use databases lmao. No idea how I screwed that message up so hard. I blame ADHD for not proofreading.

    Just so we’re on the same page, let me be more specific. I’m saying the individuals in the article were making terrible decisions. Lots of them.

    I am also saying that UUIDs are good primary keys for very specific purposes: Large, distributed systems that handle large amounts of small data, powered by databases like Cassandra that are designed to handle millions of record insertions per hour across several hundred nodes, to the point where inserts are very likely to happen at the exact same time on two different replicas of the same schema.

    Hope that makes more sense than my previous flub. lol