• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Honestly, I sympathise, but if car drivers, even Tesla drivers, acted like Lime riders, then we’d be furious. Lime riders too regularly conceptualise their journey as only impacting themselves, but active travel options need to exist within the societal ecosystem, and currently far too many aren’t. I live on a one way, and FAR too often I have had to stop my car to move one of these bikes that was “parked” mid-road, and another regular occurrence is moving bikes that are impeding access for disabled folks. Ultimately, Lime bikers need to feel some responsibility to their societal peers, and that so many don’t is a recurring issue.

  • What part of my comments were deceptive? I didn’t comment on the law, or the scientific “conjecture” on both sides. I encouraged a user to be upset that someone told them an obvious lie; I even pointed out that they don’t have to be pro-trans to be angered by that. I’m not a mob, I’m not outraged, I’m irked on principle that obvious claptrap is being used as a tool to bamboozle those with less time to think about things. If the strength of scientific conjecture was so strong surely the debate could rest on actual science, not proposing disingenuous sub-ethical studies. I didn’t comment on any of what you’ve accused me of…until now.

    The reason it can’t is stand on its own scientific merits is because, though it would be great for anti-trans campaigners if it did, the science doesn’t really back their view-point of “gender realism”. It’s not a scientific debate, it’s one of social and emotive balance. I think that trans-men are men, and trans-women are women; both as it costs me nothing to recognise this, and because the science of “gendered brains” doesn’t slightly support the notion that gonad sex, and gender, are 1:1 aligned.

    Frankly the irony of you coming in and accusing me of being an outraged mob is ridiculous. The only mob antics on display are yours, strawmanning and accusing me of things simply not present in my post.