Chainalysis is a cryptocurrency/blockchain investigation software, I at least know that much.
Chainalysis is a cryptocurrency/blockchain investigation software, I at least know that much.
As an American born and raised in Illinois I can also inform the rest of the populace our corn also gets used to make ethanol, an alternative fuel source.
Some charity events actually allow people to have community laundry day in certain cities across the US
Well I guess that if your only opportunity of touching grass is at a country club, then they’re the most out of touch Americans who probably still think video games cause violence and swear Harvard is the best place for their kids/grandkids even though it was historically a puritan group who hated the idea of religious freedom. I guess when it comes to the top we aren’t all that different, so when it comes to the bottom and (the seemingly non-existent) middle classes they want us to hate each other yet come together like they do, but forget to realize that half of these lower class folks will likely commit acts of terror for a free tank of gas and a pack of marlboro reds. Inequality by class is the worst when nobody upper class even tries to see it.
Mexico might just save face and help give them all their rights back if that were ever to happen.*148jud3*_ga*bzFZUGVLYU5aajJCdmtESm5lUkpPOWg4VDU1R3c3NUNBNTBqUlJaRkNOTVl6ZmFyQnM3LW52SG53TnBqU1pORQ…_ga_N3H2WMRSFSMTczMDgyOTU0Ny40LjEuMTczMDgyOTU0Ny4wLjAuMA…
sorry for long link
Nice to point out a public service, as their less likely to act in favor of whatever gets a sponsorship (even though they still do sponsors/ads to a degree)
Can confirm, Abbot is definitely a loser. Talarico 2026 FTW
Yep. Much like northbound travelers in the US South, when we see a low price we buy as much as our tank can carry.
So basically the shit-talker’s easy way out? I’m ashamed of, but not surprised, the fact that the Supreme Court was the one that came up with the coward’s way out to hate speech.
Doesn’t Texas still practice corporal punishment? If so, then it feels like they’re running a pretty tight extortion scam on Texans.
I think they see it as the legs to the monster that is Putin
Snort might actually be a good real world application that stands to benefit from ML, so for security there’s some sort of hopefulness.
And delicious!
It isn’t exactly that we think everyone is evil, we just doubt that anyone with profits in mind is doing much, or any, good for humanity.
Not if it’s seitan
If you want you can read up on ultimate f4 but it’s not inherently necessary