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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • Hey, I also was a Joey user. I am pretty tech savvy (I’m a software dev and a former sys admin). I’m not a Linux daily user though, so I still understand that out of place feeling. Like I have used Linux for things, but after working on my computer all day for work, I don’t exactly want to deal with roadblocks or tinkering on my computer in the evening.
    I have also noticed that I spend less time scrolling on here than I did on Reddit, which is a good thing for me. It’s a place where I can satisfy that itch without getting lost in scrolling of posts or comment sections for hours.

  • I have a bottle of Pisco we used to make a dessert, now I have something else to make with it!
    Let’s see…I don’t have ideas with the Pisco… Having lime juice, simple syrup and angostura bitters in the same cocktail is making this tougher than I expected.
    Wanting to represent Kentucky, I want to take one of those and pair with bourbon, so let’s do a Kentucky Mule.

    3 ounces of bourbon

    3/4 ounce of lime juice

    Around 8oz of Ginger beer (Fever Tree has a decent one for Mules)

    I would have gone for something a bit more complex, but I came up blank on a bourbon Cocktail that didn’t have both simple syrup and angostura bitters.

  • Is it cheating if I use a drink I mostly got from you and posted an earlier version of here? Lol So I’ll re-use the lemon juice. 2oz of Knob Creek Bourbon (or choose your favorite, I’m not the boss of you) 1oz of Drillaud’s raspberry liquor 1oz of lemon juice 1oz of Amaro Montenegro

    Shake with ice and pour, then use a smoke with a Cocktail smoker (I’ve found apple wood chips works really well with this).

    It’s makes for a great spring and early summer cocktail, refreshing and a bit sweet but not overly so.

  • I find it interesting that with ASD, there is (apparently, from this discussion), a tendency to be concise to the point of meaning being potentially lost but explains as quickly as possible, while with ADHD (which I have), there is a tendency to over-explain and be too verbose. With ADHD, we tend to worry that our thoughts aren’t clear enough for others and go to great lengths to make sure our meaning is understood, which has its own problems (like people getting exhausted with us for our long windedness).

  • Yeah, this is one scenario where the principles in F2P games like MOBAs applies to the business world. Focusing only on the top X companies and losing that market share has a cascading effect where it’s harder to find competent administrators, it’s harder for those administrators to find support online (which then means they have to call for the support they pay for - which while good in the short term for VMWare, is frustrating for the customer, and means that the extra money they’re charging has to partially be used to cover techs to provide said report). The little fish in a market like this help to provide what is essentially free troubleshooting online via stack overflow etc. And giving that market share to competitors gives them the cash flow and experience to build a support system online and improve their product, and then win over the big fish.

  • I think you’re confused. The men’s lib community is a progressive, feminist-supporting space focused on giving men an opportunity to discuss matters of vulnerability and struggle. They try to help people struggling with mental issues hard times, and discuss how to counter toxic masculinity type shit.
    I’m not involved in the Lemmy community but I used to check out the Reddit one back when I still got on there. The toxic neckbeard shit that’s up in arms about the overblown man v bear shit is the MRA (“men’s rights”) group.

  • This is also why regulatory agencies have been systematically crippled over the last 40 years or so. Damn near every sector has had their regulatory agencies crippled by some combination of reducing authority, underfunding, and understaffing. When the agencies work, the message is “see, we don’t need those regulations anymore because we’re taking care of things fine on our own,” and when they stop working, the message is “we shouldn’t be spending money on these agencies! They don’t do anything anyway!”