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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • A detailed list would surely require declassifying every single DoD, CIA, etc. document of any sort related to any African nation. We’re only getting glimpses of fuckery on that continent as US capital panics over China making better and more substantial deals going forward.

    But as far as out in the open, well, that depends if you accept the (US supported at one point) notion of “a nation’s laws which are grossly immoral can be overridden and actions taken under said laws deemed illegal by an international court” aka the Nuremberg trials of (far too few) top Nazis post-WWII.

    I would include many actions Biden supports under that classification including, but not limited to: the continuation of the embargo against Cuba, continued support for Israel, continued support of Saudi Arabia, continued sanctions and no attempt to normalize relations with North Korea/DPRK, warmongering against China (maybe not a crime atm, but if/when some war starts because of it…), sanctions against the people of Russia generally, arming and supporting continued war in Ukraine instead of peace agreement, etc. Tired of listing shit. Haven’t even started in on domestic issues. Allowing the police to continue as they are is in itself a crime worthy of… a fair trial and just consequences :). For example he could stop cop city if he gave a shit so I hold him complicit personally for his inaction there and many other places. If you think he can’t do anything, refer to LBJ and how he forced integration in public schools. The feds can absolutely force states to stop doing dogshit racist murderous shit if they want to, he just doesn’t want to.

    Yes every president is guilty basically upon stepping into office. Yes Biden didn’t do this all alone. Yes congress and scotus and countless others are guilty and complicit, but you asked for crimes of Biden and due to his position as POTUS (and I’ll kindly spare him the crimes he did in congress and as VP participated in) he gets to inherit all that stuff especially when a lot of it can be snapped away with an executive order or a phone call.

    If you wanna play the liberal game of “uh, but, acktually, there isn’t a laaaaaw in the US” then have fun defending objectively evil, immoral and, if tried internationally, criminal shit only allowed because of the position of the US geopolitically (for now). (And just to head off anything bad faith and really weird: every single living president (and honestly all the presidents…) could and should face criminal courts. Their entire administrations, entire congresses with few exceptions… this is not “just Biden,” the entire US government is a bunch of criminals doing crimes but stamping them with “this is legal!” That didn’t work for the Nazis, but I guess they lost. American leaders will face their own reckoning one day, god willing.)

  • If only it were for any of the actual crimes he’s committed and not made up or fringe bullshit.

    An overly hopeful and coping portion of my brain wants to believe all these dipshits keep one-upping each other on impeachments that eventually you end up with some senator like “you wanna impeach Obama for sucking a dick? WELL FUCK YOU! We’re dragging Bush and Cheney’s asses in! That’ll fucking show you!”

    This is my mental fanfic and masturbation material. Do not take it from me.

    *Preemptively protecting my material by editing this to investigate instead of impeach since I don’t think you can impeach someone out of office. Continue not taking this from me

  • Fear promoted by… the Russians?

    I need a soundproof tube to put my head in where I can scream as loud as possible until my vocal chords rip and no one else can hear.

    Either that or a VR type thing where it replicates reality so well that I can feel the pain of clawing my own eyeballs from the sockets. Or, alternatively… well, best not to type that one cough

    There’s only one country on earth that has couped, rigged, murdered, sanctioned, invaded, whatever else, dozens of countries over the last century… that country was NOT Russia (or the USSR).

    So fucking sick of shitty right wing people carrying the torch for US state dept to fire all the libs up and get them in line to support the next horrific genocide or war we choose to do/support.

  • The US military LOST to Chinese and Korea troops during the Korean War when Mao, at Kim Il-Sung’s request, sent Chinese military into North Korea to repel the aggressor in the war… the US, who had pushed Kim’s army all the way to the Chinese/Korean border.

    “How is that relevant?” I can hear being asked.

    Well, for one, it’s funny. The US got its ass handed to it when it was practically at peak military production (less than a decade from WWII ending) and with veteran troops who had seen combat in WWII all over the pacific. Basically, they had the perfect army at the perfect time to absolutely destroy any other army. And yet they kept losing. They had superior weaponry and all that, and using such technology yes, they did eventually fight off Mao’s troops, but the point is do not assume that dumping funding into a military budget means anything beyond having cool tech.

    The Iraqi insurgents defeated the US

    The Taliban and other Afghan groups defeated the US

    The Vietcong defeated the US

    US propaganda always spins shit like “we agreed to end operations and leave” when in reality they lost the war. It’s practically the calling card at this point… do a war, make billions for arms manufacturers, devastate an entire country, declare victory and leave. In a few decades wonder why those countries are “shit holes” and consider invading again.

  • The tone in the quoted material is so condescending too. I’m not even sympathetic to Putin, I think he’s basically a shit human, but I can also understand that in many ways he’s absolutely correct to have his assessment and demands from NATO. Given their continued rejection, which really spans back at least 30 years since the non-dissolution of NATO following the dissolution of the USSR, and then repeated rejections from NATO for the resulting Russian state to join, he had only two choices: accept the expansion of western interests in the form of NATO expansion and the continuing isolation and push to irrelevancy of his country/people or put his foot down and invade. It seems now we have absolute proof that NATO knew exactly what they were doing, although this was plainly obvious before. Only in the minds of imperialists and victim blamers would this make Putin some sort of evil orc-man. Only if one thinks NATO and Western nations have an absolute inherent right to coerce countries like Russia would they think they did everything right and it was Putin who ultimately violated morality. It’s the mentality of someone who beats a dog and then gets even more mad and confused when the dog finally bites back, as if they did nothing wrong and the dog’s escalation is the only relevant action to consider.

    It’s also a classic, for thousands of years, political tactic to enable “legal, justifiable” wars of domination aka “lawfare” that the Romans famously practiced (basically doing NATO type tactics of provocation then retaliation under “they attacked first!”) and now the US/NATO also engage in. To an extent this could be argued was the case in Iraq (first war) and Afghanistan (although bin Laden was not their leader they suffered consequences on his behalf. And he was very popular in any case for his soviet and then US resistance). We tried it with Cuba and the USSR stepped in with nuclear missiles which escalated but ultimately diffused the war drums from the US.

    It’s ironic but surely purposeful that the US has framed this conflict around an imperialist goal of stealing land and resources and completely neglects to highlight the inherent imperialist goals of NATO and of course the US as the chief imperialist nation. Even if Americans really in their hearts believe Putin is doing this to loot Ukraine, which I don’t doubt he would/will benefit from this personally, that’s kind of his thing, doesn’t that just make him a Russian Dick Cheney or countless other high ranked US officials that have clear, undeniable ties to corporations and such that benefited directly from 20 years of war in Middle East? I dunno, the NATO guys get really ass-mad when you tie literally anything back to anything. And for the record, Dick Cheney and George Bush are FAR worse than Putin. The day Putin completely destabilizes Ukraine and another nation and kills a couple million people in those countries, then we can talk seriously about how Putin is the worst person ever. Until then we still have two men living free happy lives here after killing definitely over a million Iraqis and Afghans. I don’t recall any warrants put out for Rumsfeld, Cheney, Bush, or Powell, etc. for Fallujah or Abu Ghraib (just to name two atrocities). NATO, the UN and of course the US have many sins to atone for and most of them haven’t even been admitted to.

    So with all that in mind, I don’t agree necessarily with Putin’s actions, but I understand them and I place the majority of the blame on NATO and the US specifically for all the history that led to Putin even being there instead of some Soviet premier and for pushing him to have to choose between irrelevancy and further plunder of his home country or war. I think many humans would make the same choice in the end as terrible as that choice is.

  • Ignoring the stupid and outright murderously insane shit in that post…

    Are they not aware that Ukrainian men were also conscripted? Ukraine quite literally locked down the borders and wouldn’t let men out and said “go protect the homeland!”

    I understand the conscripts thing is meant to he demoralizing or whatever like “you don’t even want this war! Give up!” but that fails when your own country is also conscripting and begging for people from around the world to come help fight Russia. This wasn’t exactly kept a secret either, so it’s just weird seeing it used in this way.

  • Justice@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlCommunism bad
    10 months ago

    There are a ton of old as fuck Cuban-Americans and their children in Miami and elsewhere in the US who would swear a pledge before god himself that “the people” never wanted the revolution in Cuba.

    And yet we know from every historical document available they these people are at best misled but usually just right wing liars who had their land confiscated (rightly btw. And compensated for! (Which I wouldn’t have done- Castro was far too nice in that regard)) and they never stopped crying about their “stolen land.” The irony being, yeah, it was stolen land. Stolen by them! Or their ancestors, their father or grandfather, anyway. Castro just helped return it to the rightful owners.

    So you see why it’s important to distinguish the cry-bully right wing fascist tears from the legitimate hardships of the workers who, yes, may well have suffered? But their suffering is almost always because of the US and allied European countries. It certainly wasn’t caused by Castro or Soviet leaders, anyway. And in the case of former landlords and bourgeoisie losing what their families had exploited from others: good. I hope it makes them cry. They are an enemy of humanity hoarding wealth, exploiting others, and demanding wars to regain their former possessions. They do not represent the workers ie the people.

  • Yeah, no shit.

    The western capitalist countries are trying to distract their citizens from seeing progress China has made especially in the last two or three decades. They’re making a complete mockery of the US and our withering and crumbling … everything.

    If any country is on the brink of collapse I’d put way more bets on it being the one who has alienated itself by warmongering and actively invading and couping countries all over the world for 100 years. A country that dumps every resource it can muster into a perverted fusion of private and public military contract system resulting in overproduction of a worthless (from actual improvement of society) commodities that it then dumps en masse into developing countries.

    It’s pretty much plainly obvious I think at this point, but if the US doesn’t reign in the insanely out of control military bullshit (and that includes funding wars like in Ukraine and funding for apartheid countries like Israel) there’s no way the US doesn’t eventually (timelines are impossible on this shit) collapse under its own rotten infrastructure. The neoliberals since around the late 1970s have been absolutely fucking dead set on accelerating that rot. I dunno when it gives in, but in the meantime I expect a nonstop deluge of continued warmongering and projections of the rest of the world collapsing.

    “Mass transit? Wtf is that? Here’s a neat missile!”

    “Healthcare? Huh? Here’s another $100B for Ukraine.”

    “Public education funding? How about more police? Best we can do.”

    “Drug addicted, sick, and unhealthy population? Personal problem! Moral failing! What do you except from the government!?”

  • (Not that person)

    1 File transfers can be done via apps like localsend, pairdrop/snapdrop (selfhosted, I wouldn’t use the public servers), or simply putting files on a shared server, etc.

    2 This is impossible to correctly answer until the new phones are actually out. Reason being we don’t know the restrictions (or hopefully not) that Apple will arbitrarily apply to the port. The iPad, for what it’s worth, can easily mount USB C drives and other accessories, so, hopefully Apple continues in that vein of sanity

    3 no

    4 my iPhone is my actual phone phone and the pixel is wifi only.

  • Justice@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlCommunism bad
    10 months ago

    That Romanian dude (fuck that name) was an insane right winger not “communist.” Please fuck off and try again.

    Ok I typed that before finishing- his statement got more stupid!

    Tito is nearly universally beloved by former-Yugoslavians. Ask them. Not the Nazi ones, the normal ones. You will find few harsh words against him. They did not all love him, but few hated him. And the rule of Tito and Yugoslavia is CERTAINLY preferable to the hellscape that neoliberalism (brought, kindly, by the US and western EU post soviet and then Yugoslavia collapse) has wrought upon that part of the world.

    Also the deaths towards the end of the Soviet Union cannot ALL be attributed to the west, but, then again… the west did absolutely undermine time after time after time the Soviet government. And certainly past like 1990 that massive spike in deaths, much of it suicide, WAS basically a EU and US joint mass genocide upon the Russian people and other former Soviet states. They could’ve helped, they could’ve done anything, but instead they forced further despair and eventually forced the handing over of formerly publicly owned properties, entire industries sometimes, to what we like to call now “Russian oligarchs.” We created those guys who robbed their country and countrymen fucking blind. Imagine living 50 years in the great Soviet Union, born after WWII. You live there, see amazing feats from your country, and then one day it all comes tumbling down and Americans and your collaborating brethren are over on the side buying up and shiti-fying (I made a word) your formerly glorious country that you had some part in creating. And we did that. The “west” ripped apart a great experiment in socialism, not perfect by any means, but infinitely more noble than ultra capitalist genocidial US, etc. And they did it a smile on their faces and a silent understanding that “the Russians had brought this on themselves, really. tut tut They never should’ve even bothered trying to create a better world!”

  • Justice@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlUSA #1
    10 months ago

    22 years ago a little smol bean rock group put out an album only one week before some hijackers flew some planes into some buildings… here’s the lyrics:

    “They’re trying to build a prison They’re trying to build a prison Following the rights movement, you clamped on with your iron fists Drugs became conveniently available for all the kids Following the rights movement, you clamped on with your iron fists Drugs became conveniently available for all the kids I buy my crack, my smack, my removed right here in Hollywood (Nearly two million Americans are incarcerated in the prison system, prison system of the US) They’re trying to build a prison They’re trying to build a prison They’re trying to build a prison (For you and me to live in) Another prison system Another prison system Another prison system (For you and me) Minor drug offenders fill your prisons you don’t even flinch All our taxes paying for your wars against the new non-rich Minor drug offenders fill your prisons you don’t even flinch All our taxes paying for your wars against the new non-rich I buy my crack, my smack, my removed right here in Hollywood (The percentage of Americans in the prison system, prison system, has doubled since 1985) They’re trying to build a prison They’re trying to build a prison They’re trying to build a prison (For you and me to live in) Another prison system Another prison system Another prison system (For you and me) For you and I, you and I, you and I You and I They’re trying to build a prison They’re trying to build a prison They’re trying to build a prison for you and me Oh, baby, you and me Oh Oh All research and successful drug policy show that treatment should be increased (Oh) And law enforcement decreased while abolishing mandatory minimum sentences (Oh) All research and successful drug policy show that treatment should be increased (Oh) And law enforcement decreased while abolishing mandatory minimum sentences Utilising drugs to pay for secret wars around the world Drugs are now your global policy, now you police the globe I buy my crack, my smack, my removed right here in Hollywood Drug money is used to rig elections and train brutal corporate sponsored dictators around the world They’re trying to build a prison They’re trying to build a prison They’re trying to build a prison (For you and me to live in) Another prison system Another prison system Another prison system (For you and me) For you and I, you and I, you and I You and me They’re trying to build a prison They’re trying to build a prison They’re trying to build a prison for you and me Oh, baby, you and me”

    I don’t know (or really care all that much) all of system of a down’s political opinions. But this song alone, which again I gotta point out again came out September 4, 2001 literally one week before 9/11, absolutely laying bare in popular musical format the prison system of the US, the reason it exists, and that it’s just going to get worse. And it has. Very much worse. I think listening to this song on repeat at like 13 years old is part of why I always knew the American “justice” system was bullshit.

    And I only mention the week before 9/11 thing because they’re literally referencing the actual reasons for 9/11 happening in this song. I think many Americans, and I was certainly one, grew up in the early 2000s entering teenage years and adulthood bewildered by the attacks because of the way the media always presented them (and still does). It’s a bit jarring as I get older to look back at media like songs and movies and see very obvious acknowledgments and understanding of what the US was doing. It’s like the adults in charge knew and then on 9/11 they secretly colluded to not tell the young people at the time the truth. And now it’s starting to reemerge in American consciousness. Those comments about America’s chickens coming home to roost (a callback to Malcolm X by Rev Wright) hit so much harder when you realize he was right, just like Malcolm was right, and most people didn’t listen because it’s easier or more comfortable to believe America is the good guy, America doesn’t do anything bad and if it does something bad it was an accident so you can’t blame anyone.

    Just kind of free flowing there, but every time prisons and the prison slavery “loophole” gets brought up I’m reminded of that song.

  • Justice@lemmygrad.mltoGenZedong@lemmygrad.mlCommon China wins
    10 months ago

    Freedom ™️ finally came to China.

    That sucks though. I hate that Android, which used to be the pride of nerds due to its customization options, is locking down more and more year after year.

    Even if people don’t care for their phones/tablets, ok, but the “trusted” default companies are all dogshit. Now google is implementing shit that seems like it will effectively eliminate custom roms in the next few years by making it impossible (or very hard anyway) to use apps that use their “security” shit.

    I use android and ios (because I’m a freak) and it makes me sad to think that the only reason for using android at all (and I’m not trying to do a fanboy war. I literally use both OS) which is the ability to install basically whatever the fuck I want might be gone someday soon. This mostly matters day to day (and I suspect this is the REAL motivation here) in apps like modified YouTube, Spotify, Twitch, Twitter etc. all for the purpose of removing annoying/no-one-asked features and, of course, the endless deluge of ads. I know “the end of Adblock!” fearmongering has been a constant for at least a decade now, and I’m sure longer, but as these corporations lock down operating systems and apps further and further we may actually be approaching that moment for real. It’s very clearly in the interest of the corporations to do it, but obviously consumers hate it, so they’ve been slow boiling us and at this point maybe finally they’re letting it boil. I suppose we’ll see. Google still makes the Pixel series for now, but the changes with the trust system (I forget their name for it. Safetynet and all that shit) make loading custom roms possible but increasingly impractical. Just hate to see it.

  • Justice@lemmygrad.mltoGenZedong@lemmygrad.mlCommon China wins
    10 months ago

    You know what really feels like freedom?

    When you’re looking to buy an inexpensive test phone for coding, and you see recommendations for Chinese brands, so you go to their websites and such… and a hour later and a rabbit hole later you discover your shithole country has banned certain brands for no actual articulable reason. Just some vague “Chinese spyware!” To which my question is always, even if that’s true, which I doubt, isn’t the bootloader unlocked? I’ll just install some other rom. “NOPE, CHINA SPY WARE BALLOONS DONT YOU GET IT?!?”

    Land of the free, home of the brave my asshole. Can’t even buy the phone you want without Uncle Sam having a say.

    It should be worrying to all these FREEDOM LOVING PATRIOTS ™️ that the US is becoming less “free” (as far as private commodity purchases go) but, it turns out, it was never about freedom or not, it was just about racism and nationalism. 🎵 whomp whomp 🎵

  • Wow, you have to have it chewed up and spit in your mouth like a baby bird?

    I don’t need further analysis or thinking. Whatever the CIA says might as well be appended to the glorious holy Bible and thus passes from CIA directly into my consciousness with zero resistance, zero errors, always present and fully accepted directly above my own consciousness.

    I’m fully jacked-in, assimilated, one of them.

    The CIA is truth. Their words are my memories.

    True freedom is never worrying that you’ve been lied to because you already know the truth.

    I am free.