Small scale permaculture nursery in Maine, education enthusiast, and usually verbose.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Iirc the leaked internal docs and reporting showed that nvidia was downloading 81 years worth of video per day. If the pattern holds, and we “throw” the books at them, it probably looks a lot like one of those building-sized front end loaders dropping the library of Alexandria on those executives.

    As an alternative, I would be fine if nvidia were no longer allowed to hold copyright or trademarks since the company believes that those don’t matter, required to share all internal documents (including any and all planning), and required to open source all their code until the company implodes

  • The company who installed our solar array had a massive year on battery backups starting the day they secured an alternative to the powerwall. Our coordinator called personally because our file had a note that said “will install battery bank as soon as it won’t benefit musk” and we got in before the backordering started.

  • Starting from seed can be a viable option but many perennial seeds have dormancy periods or specific times of year where they will germinate readily. Having a controlled space for germinating your desired species, such as in flats, mob-grown in large pots, or in air prune boxes will increase your rates of germination and growth over and above planting or broadcasting into a grass dominated space. Once grown, they could be transplanted with their potting substrate or as bare root plants once they’re dormant. Alternatively, you could solarize an area of your turf with a dark tarp for 30-90 days to kill off the turf and dormant seeds, then plant your intended species. At this point in the season, you would likely be looking at spring germination for all but the fastest germinators and you would want a good mulching compost to protect them over your winter period and reduce competition from weeds (defined here as anything that isn’t the species you’re trying for).

    I have had pleasant results with seeds ordered from Prairie Moon for herbaceous plants, and from F.W. Schumacher in the case of woody plants, and I hope others will chime in with additional suggestions. Here is a copy (PDF) of the USDA Woody Plant Seed Manual. Another book that is incredibly helpful is the Reference Manual of Woody Plant Propagation by Dirr, which also covers asexual cloning methods.

    If that feels daunting, start with a smaller area that you’ll be able to pay additional attention to and use the seeds and cuttings from those plants to grow that space’s footprint and begin new areas as well. Or prep areas you’d like to grow in now with an eye towards bringing in bare root plants this fall - your local NRCS office likely has a list of plant nurseries operating in your area and may even run a seasonal plant sale themselves. Your local extension office would be another good reference for where to purchase native plants locally, and there may be folks you could connect with through Follow best practices when planting and mulch appropriately.

  • I’d like to add that if a plant spreads aggressively, it’s an aggressive spreader and is not necessarily invasive, which is location and context dependent. We should be encouraging each other to add qualifiers to “that’s invasive”, such as “where I am, check your regional guidelines” or “in such-and-such bioregion” so we help people to make the best decisions for where they are and don’t discourage the use of potentially aggressive plants in regions where they are naturalized.

    Something else to consider is that these designations, helpful as they are, are influenced by money and politics in addition to the ecological science. I had the fortune of being included in our state’s discussions about adding plants to the invasive species list last year - some plants were added to the list of recommendations with comments representing the interests of blueberry growers, while a separate category was created due in part to the economic interests of plant resale nurseries.

    It’s almost certainly worth foregoing a plant on your region’s invasives list; it’s also certainly worth looking for research on whether a plant already present in your landscape fills a needed niche (possibly several) that you can work on filling before you begin removing it. There are several listed invasive species I treat as KOS where I am, but others whose populations are managed and replaced as more fitting plants become available.

  • From this layman’s perspective, this seems like the executives at Nvidia directed people to access computer systems in a way they were not authorized to and with methods designed to circumvent the security of the sites in question. It seems, on its face, to be a violation of the CFAA that was knowingly pushed by these executives - and I hope you’ll all join me in calling your congressional representatives to advocate for a full prosecution of them

  • Okay okay, I laughed, but let’s remember that ‘Prime’ is the honorific title given to the leader of the Autobots when they receive the Matrix of Leadership and become a conduit for Primus and the memories of the Primes who came before. /pedant

    My personal headcanon is that his name was Optimothy before he became Prime. Long live Rodimus Prime.