Within our dataset of several hundred thousand visitors tested in the past 45 days, only one in 91389.5 browsers have the same fingerprint as yours.
Currently, we estimate that your browser has a fingerprint that conveys 16.48 bits of identifying information
Doesn’t look good. How do you make it so that your browser doesn’t have a fingerprint at all?
Rio Grande Roasters Pinon is my favorite, but I’m not picky at all. I tend to prefer light roasts for their higher caffeine content, and I also think they taste better than dark roasts. I usually add hazelnut creamer, but the coffee I linked above doesn’t need it.
The brewing method is probably more important to me. I like pour-overs, but French press and cold brew are good too. Drip machines are fine, but they’d be my last choice.
At Starbucks I’d get an iced mocha frappe chino, but that’s more like a dessert with a shot of espresso. Pastries are a must lol, just need to find a vegan one and I’m set.
Would you do anything differently?
I bought my last one, but this was true for my whole life up until that point. I’ll replace it since it’s made of leather. I’m hoping to find one I like with RFID blocking next.