• 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • It is true that we can change our environments and therefore our material conditions but these man-made changes are again caused by material conditions leading to people changing their environments. That’s how history is and always has been, a cycle of material conditions influencing people to change their surroundings whose material conditions will cause other people to change their surroundings and so on…the question is what was the initiator of this cycle, was the man who made the first change leading to a change of material conditions or the material conditions which led the man to do the first change? I would say its the second as we, from my atheistic point of view, are results of nature, of millions of years of evolution. We did not always possess the ability to change our world how we want it, those who were born adjusted to their environments would survive, those who were not, would die…we, for a long time, had no say over our survival or nature but due to a chain of environmental changes, we started to develop bigger brains and the ability to analyze and use our environments to our advantage. First the material conditions allowing us to to gain the ability to change our material conditions came. We now are not anymore slaves of nature, of selective survival of those who are adjusted, we are now developed enough to help those in need, those who would not survive…we (mostly) have surpassed these harsh realities making us masters of our destiny, not letting us be dictated by forces we can harness. We have the power to save this planet or destroy it how it currently is under global capitalism. Primitivism, Conservatism, any form of regression is not and cannot be the answer without it undermining our social and/or technical achievements made.

  • portugal, a “social-democracy”, isnt doing much better with its increasing privatization of national industries and growing wealth gap of the poor and the rich…all supported by the, i kid you not, “socialist party of portugal”.

    Shout out to the cuban doctors tho, my entire family in portugal is getting treated by cuban doctors as portugal lacks medical professionals because people with degrees keep emigrating from portugal to go somewhere where the wages are better.

  • i cant with this people, they are the real spoiled ones taking everything they got in socialist states for granted and complain how hard they had it: “uh it was so hard, we did not have oranges? Can you believe that??? how can a society possibly function without oranges, literally 1984” I give you the choice:

    A: live in a society where human rights like housing, food and clothing are treated as such and the vast majority of peoples needs are met (no oranges)


    B: live in a society where you need to pay for your human rights and where only the rich can carefree finance their lives without sinking in unpayable debt while homeless people roam the streets and get beaten by the police for being poor (with oranges)

  • i love when liberals pull the commie brainwash card, as if we dont already live in a capitalist dominated world where people are taught that capitalism is the only viable economic system. Be it in a TV-series, in the News, in the Radio, in documentaries…pretty much every media-outlet when mentioning socialism treats it as a failed, murderous joke and nothing else…it is presented to us, without explanation most of the time, that socialism is evil, undemocratic, killed 100 Gorbachovillian people and that capitalism is the only economic system that “works”. We are not brainwashed you are the one feeding off liberal propaganda