Girls showing/having shown their ID card.
Probably FFFFFE. I mean nobody would really know it was gone
Go dig up the internet pipes in front of his house and check if there’s any obstructions the link may he getting caught on
A VPN would almost certainly work. They just block ips so that if their site runs afoul of the law, they can just say they have no official operations in that country.
You’ve fallen for one of the classic blunders
Yeah, .world is absolutely abysmal. I got one account banned for an evasion, and they basically just said I needed to prove I wasn’t ban evading, but refused to say who I was supposedly an alt for. Another account of mine got banned for nothing at all, they said to message the admins responsible, and over the span of a month, and over 50 messages, he refused to respond to any of them. Not to mention that they’re even more unhinged about politics than the reddit admins are.