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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2023


  • Screw those employers. Whenever they send one of their employees in to me to get a note, I give them way more off than they’d normally take.

    You got a cold? The first 5 days suck the most and you’re most contagious during those days, so have 5 days off work. Oh, you only wanted today off and were considering going back tomorrow if you were feeling better? Sucks for your boss, I guess. My medical opinion is based on the disease, not your employee’s self-assessment.

  • Hammond didn’t pick him, the insurance company did. The company insisted on only him, likely because he was a notorious skeptic who would be able to look past the sensationalism of the dinosaurs to let them know a realistic risk assessment. The dinner scene where he and Ellie criticize Hammond is exactly why they wanted him there.

    Point being, no indication is actually given that he was smarter or more published than the others in his field, because that isn’t really what the insurance was after.

  • Dpkg is the low level tool for Debian packages.

    Apt-get is the original frontend for dpkg. It is a full featured tool that lets the user give commands to dpkg, along with apt-cache, which displays information to the user.

    Apt is a high level tool for user friendliness. It combines some features from apt-get and apt-cache, as well as adds progress bars and other quality of life features. It also strips down some features the average user doesn’t use.

    So neither is a wrapper for the other. They are two similar tools that do the same job. Apt-get is better for scripting due to being a more rigid tool while apt is nicer for end users.

  • Sure you can!

    Get a coin, and flip it 100 times. Record each time it lands on heads/tails.

    Now get a devout believer, and have the believer continuously say devout prayers petitioning God to make the coin read heads. Then, flip the coin 100 times, and record heads/tails.

    Do statistical analysis to see whether there is a statistically significant difference between the control group and the prayer group. Pretty easy to verify if true.