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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • Yuuuup. I received half a class in the thing that I decided would make or break my thesis project.

    Got analysis paralysis the whole time I was researching how to do it, and ended up doing it in about a week in a half, in which I slept for about 8h total. Was congratulated on it by the board, but I’ll never in my life work in that sort of thing again if I can help it.

  • How tech savvy are we talking? I can troubleshoot the usual stuff on my pc, by googling. But I’m not a sysadmin and have 0 knowledge about how to set up or maintain a server.

    My group has been looking at TTRPGs for a while now. We used Owlbear Rodeo for one campaign, and started our current one on Roll20 without premium, but… It’s so unintuitive. An honest to goodness UI/UX nightmare. I can see the logic behind some of the choices but it’s so uncomfortable to use. We want something with a bit more functionality (character sheets and dice rolling at least, dynamic fog of war being a personal bonus as a DM).

  • How tech savvy are we talking? I can troubleshoot the usual stuff on my pc, by googling. But I’m not a sysadmin and have 0 knowledge about how to set up or maintain a server.

    My group has been looking at TTRPGs for a while now. We used Owlbear Rodeo for one campaign, and started our current one on Roll20 without premium, but… It’s so unintuitive. An honest to goodness UI/UX nightmare. I can see the logic behind some of the choices but it’s so uncomfortable to use. We want something with a bit more functionality (character sheets and dice rolling at least, dynamic fog of war being a personal bonus as a DM).

  • Not anymore, due to my GAD and insomnia. Long story short, I was compensating how tired I was with how tense I would get from coffee. My psych told me to stop taking so much caffeine and it’s helped a lot to curb my anxiety.

    I miss it though. Used to brew a fresh cup in the morning, noon, and afternoon. Freshly ground every time. It legitimately ruined every espresso shop in town for me. Burnt, bitter, or underbrewed. Only good coffee shop in town is a turkish one.

  • Oh yeah. Music is one of em. Never learnt how to read sheets or much of anything about music theory. I mean, I only just learnt how time signatures work. I play the guitar sort of okay, and have a decent ear. But everything I’ve learnt has been by feel, and I really want to properly learn theory. I want to know how the circle of fifths works, how polyrythms work, etc. like, I have a feeling of how they work but I couldn’t really talk about it at length and I’d have a hard time figuring out why a section of a song sounded interesting. I dropped that desire some years ago, but with every new artist I discover I’m trying to break down how the music works in my head and often come up short.

    Carpentry is another. Ever since I started playing guitar I wanted to build my own guitar from scratch. Then I took some industrial design classes in college and it cemented my interest in it. During lockdown I bought some tools but got distracted with other fleeting interests. Once I have enough space for a workshop, I’ll get on that.

    Lastly, storywriting. Whatever I write, it feels like it’d be at home in a technical manual. Regardless of what language I write in, it feels stilted and sterile. I’ve been working on this one lately though. I’m DM’ing a campaign with a ton of homebrew and wrote and designed a 70 pages long handbook for my players. The ones that took the time to read it really liked the flavour and worldbuilding I did, so, progress.

    Edit: forgot one, mead, and spirits in general. Made one batch years ago, with apple juice, cinnamon, and cloves. It was good after about 2 years. I still have a 2L bottle in my closet. At this point I think I should just bin it. For a time a friend and I were talking about making large batches of it and selling it on the DL as party drinks. Pineapple mead, mango mead, etc.