There is a strong tradition of feeling against it :)
There is a strong tradition of feeling against it :)
The very smart criminals don’t leave cartridges behind.
(Not saying that very smart criminals actually exist)
We would give a brief “Oooohh”
and then go on with our lives.
Extrem trendiges Hobby: Sich empören.
I have heard that Google has never been down for >20 years…
unless she pays $9 billion before execution
What if she pays after execution?
wer uns mit Breitreifen tritt?
Gaining just a little bit of control over my thoughts about myself
Knowledge = 1
Credibility = 0
I would know immediately that it is a scam, and it is originated by Usa.
Nobody else in the world has so much hybris to assume that all governments in the world would work together, or even say the same.
The best way is the one where you know lots of (not so well-known) context and circumstances, and then it can work as an insult, but you can deny some of the knowledge and therefore you can appear innocent.
Ich kannte das schon sehr lange, hier in Süddeutschland.
Zur Akzeptanz der Windräder durch die Bevölkerung gibt sich Landrat Franz Löffler optimistisch. Man werde die Bürger selbstverständlich “mit einbeziehen”.
Weiß dazu vielleicht jemand noch Näheres?
Humourless person
Slavery is where such a work contract isn’t outright illegal.
so he could be queen
Somehow I knew it…
I learned that at 12 without anybody being scared.
Sur-Ron, Quadix, Talaria, Zero, etc. have been around for quite a while. Recently, many more brands been coming up with such a size. None is new here.