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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • During my research, I’ve been seeing a lot of talk around Docker. Is that sort of like in between a Venv & VM?

    My understanding is that is you use a Coral TPU, it basically allows you to run things such as Image recognition on much lesser hardware than would otherwise be possible? In theory, does that mean you don’t need the top of the line everything else if you’re trying to run something like that?

  • What was the problem with cats and cat flaps?

    Doesn’t seem to be an issue for this guy. They installed a cat door on the little pool storage house thingy they have in the yard, so that he can get in and out of that as he pleases (it’s sort of like his own little house 😄), and he doesn’t seem to have a problem with it.

    Also keeping them in overnight means way less catfights/vet bills.

    Definitely agree with this one, though unfortunately this fella really does needs to take his (what we assume is his toilet break) little wander at 4am. The whole thing with him not wanting to use a toilet indoors is another thing all together… Maybe it has something to do with the fact he was basically a street cat for a bit.

  • Huh. Super interesting! I should give this an initial go, and maybe when I come up with my “own” solution, benchmark them against each other. Wonder if there’s a trade off (e.g., chatgpt is more accurate but takes longer due to all the back and forth required, whereas the local solution may not be as accurate but is faster)

    It’s honestly amazing how quickly all this stuff is evolving and growing. Thank you for that tip 👍😄

  • Would that be some sort of frigate setup?

    Honestly I just started thinking about this again yesterday so I basically know nothing lol. Though i did come across frigate, and it did make me want to try and setup a local home security system (as I’ve been meaning to get away from using a wireless one from one of the big manufacturers of such things).

    I’ve been doing a bit of a dive into something called YOLOv8, which seems to be an object detection model, where you can use existing models, or train your own. Utilizing that on maybe a RPi 5 with a camera and a Google Coral (which from my understanding, supercharges your hardware’s ability to process such things), and then using the output from the model somehow to control some type of actuation (electromagnet maybe?) to lock or unlock a catflap.

    But I think the hardware is a bit hard to track down

    Yeah I think from memory, one of the main reasons I had abandoned it last time I looked was that it was so hard to get the relevant hardware. Having a look again, it seems that most things are quite readily available now :)

  • Our parents adopted a cat a few years ago now, and they haven’t installed a cat flap yet because he’ll bring home a mouse, and they don’t want him to bring them inside the house. So for now, they’ve been opening and closing the door everytime (they’ve setup a little security cam at the door so they know when he comes back), which unfortunately involves opening the door in the middle of the night.

    So I’ve been meaning to try and build a “smart” cat flap that utilizes image recognition to detest if he’s got a mouse in his mouth or not.

    I had previously done a bit of research last year and gave up on it for some reason. Here’s to hoping I get a bit further down the road this time, and have some success lol.

  • Has there been any discussions/thoughts around making these Daily Korero threads less frequent?, i.e., weekly, every other day etc.

    There’s obviously not a ton of us in here, and some days (like today), there’s basically nothing here. Obviously there’s nothing stopping anyone replying to a thread from yesterdays Korero, but maybe it leads to a lack of visibility? i don’t know… Just spitting out some ideas :)