Ex-egg. Turns out wishing you were a girl does work.

  • 16 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2024


  • Oh hai ~

    One month into DIY already, and I’m feeling pretty good, yay! Hopefully I can get a prescription soon. It’s hard to measure the effects objectively, but I now get what people mean when they say not to carry stuff against your chest. Ouch. Don’t know if it’s the hormones or losing weight, but my reflection looks… different, somehow? Maybe I’m imagining it.

    Plus I met up with a group of girl friends I haven’t seen since before my egg crack, and they were very quick to welcome me to the E team :3

  • Oh hai ~ the weekly thread is back, yay!

    Things are pretty good here. Weight is slowly dropping off, which is a relief (still lots to go); I’m two weeks into DIY, and stuff seems to be happening. It’s quite hard to be objective though. At least I have a backup plan in case the doctor is uncooperative.

    Because of all the waiting I’m a bit worried about losing momentum, especially when the self-doubt creeps in. Well, screw that voice - I’m gonna be a woman anyway :3

    Oh, and I bought some clothes in preparation for the cooler weather. The sleeves are all too short, so I’m (re-)learning to sew. Take that, fashion industry!

  • I guess I’ve been having thoughts of “if I was a girl…” or “if I was trans…” for as long as I can remember. Definitely had a few times of “please let me wake up as a girl tomorrow” when I was 12/13 or so, but I got quite good a suppressing that. The “if…” thoughts were fine, of course, since I clearly wasn’t trans or a girl…

    Fast forward to about six weeks before my 40th birthday; following quite a few trans women online and starting to question my gender. But since I’m perfectly happy being cis, that’s fine, no problem. I’ll be an Ally.

    Two weeks or so pass, start looking at egg_irl. A day or two later, everything comes crashing down and it’s panic time. That lasts a few days and now I know: I’m a trans girl, and I want to transition. Came out to my family, started growing my hair, painting my nails, buying neutral-to-fem clothes etc. Stopped wearing obviously masc-coded stuff pretty much right away (even when going out). Made appointments for laser and HRT consultation.

    About six weeks later, research indicates the doctor is probably going to make me wait 6 months to a year for HRT, so I order DIY. That arrives two weeks later (yesterday), and here we are.

    Not using new pronouns or name yet, but I feel that might happen fairly soon.