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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • Picking a fight with a superpower is generally a poor idea. Killing military members - even in Jordan - might be considered a bit beyond mere commerce.

    Edit: I did misremember the attackers in Jordan and thought that was part of the Houthi organization. The Houthi’s are attacking US warship(s) in the area, but haven’t directly killed an US service members that we know of/yet. The Jordan attack was (now that I’ve checked again) by one of the groups operating under the Islamic Resistance in Iraq.

    My only defense here is that all of these attacks on US and UK vessels (merchant and military) are in retribution for the US support of Israel. And, yes, there are a lot of groups backed by Iran and Iraq who are using the Israel-Hamas/Israel destruction of Gaza as an excuse to lash out at Western powers who (generally) provide support to Israel. My apologies for the error.

  • No, this is peak human. If someone were to make me choose between my wife dying and someone else’s wife dying in [insert state or country I’ve never been to], someone else’s wife is going to die. If I get those two choices individually, I choose to save both. Where are the Jews who see Netanyahu as the Fascist aggressor with no regard for human life or territorial sovereignty and cast him out for a pacifist leader. Where are the Palestinians who want a joint government and will cast out Hamas? They both exist, but the leadership is out of their control. As individual humans We. Don’t. Get. That. Choice.

    That’s the complication of (in this meme) electing a single person who will influence 1000 decisions. No matter how I choose, some of those 1000 will hurt someone. It’s a guarantee. No matter how empathetic I am, I cannot correct a century of political meddling (in Latin America or in the Middle East) no can I correct two thousand years of religious hatred. And those are just two of a hundred active problems.

    I Think your meme offers a rational perspective and is excellent satire about people who just want to protect their families from harm. Please don’t call me inhuman for recognizing I cannot meaningfully change political conditions in the world which are the result of centuries of conflict.

  • Meh - this perfectly captures the micro-conditions in targeted areas. It’s a reality of global politics spanning 7000 years and involving hundreds of wars and billions of people. If that sounds callous it’s because I don’t know those people; they are outside of my monkey space and - as a human - I deal with them as non-persons, no matter how empathetic I think I am. I know it’s fucking terrible buti also know that (a) I don’t have control over it and (b) I have a hundred other things to worry about, like if my daughter might die due to something stupid like not getting her medical treatment because some religious nut says those meds might be used by someone to induce an abortion or to prevent pregnancy, or that the local coal mine is about to foul the water supply if our entire valley because they’ve paid a politician to look the other way while they dump heavy metals into our primary drinking water source.

    If I have a beef it’s only that “the next one” is no longer relevant because Biden’s (well, the US Government, but some directly authorized I’m sure) been bombing places for 3.5 years now, and 15.5 out of the last 19.5 if you connect him with the Obama administration. Otherwise it’s completely legitimate hyperbole/satire which recognizes the realty of decisions half way around the world. I think I’d be pissed if you took it down.

  • T-mos general coverage outside of city centers and interstates is trash (they’re all pretty bad, but Tmo is very binary). I’d get it over xfinity, but it’s not even offered in my major university town due to coverage limitations. And it’s not like there aren’t big pipes nearby - the university consumes more than 100TB of data traffic a day; their Netflix traffic alone was so large just 3 years ago that they were on the edge of getting a co-located Netflix rack on campus.

  • And, ime, a lot of corporations are serving content through third party (or at least non-native) servers, which means that any blocker which touches any of those servers breaks content completely. I’ve experienced major Travel, banking, and retail sites which simply don’t work unless most blacklisted sites are allowed. That means either turning blocking off for that main site entirely, or spending an hour testing every one of their 30 off-site connections to see which ones break. I don’t have that kind of bullshit time, and the rest of my family don’t have the patience or skill to do that troubleshooting. PiHole turned out to be multiple hours a week of frustration so I gave up - I already have a full time job and full slate of hobbies. In-browser blockers are, at least, easier to toggle on and off.

  • Just to be clear, generally stock buy backs are not to increase revenue or dividends, but to increase the stock price by creating a false scarcity. Potential dividend increases from corporate stock ownership are a shell game as the corporation received the dividend and it is simply added to the cash on hand and book value.

    Nearly all growth in stocks is capital based. Every corporation wants to increase revenue and profits because that forms the basis for valuation. Yes, there are young companies who are “forward looking” and trading on factors based on revenue and not net income, but most of the market is based on a net income multiplier (which varies by industry).

    As much pressure as the boomers (and soon GenXers) will place on revenue, it will never be enough to support the lifestyle to which they have become accustomed. Rather, they will be selling capital to fund their retirements. This will lead to long term stagnation of stock prices (in the best scenario) or a collapse of market value as retirees try to sell their stock for the next 9 month round-the-world cruise. This is a negative feedback loop, too, as the more people sell, the lower the value of their stock, requiring they sell even more shares to get to a fixed value in cash. I think of this as just one more Fuck You (added to the collapse of public health and public retirement subsidies) the boomers will be handing Millennials and GenZ. Actually, I thought you might catch a break with housing, as the value of housing as they all move into retirement homes would drop with the glut of units coming to market. Alas, corporations have found they can buy those units and rent them back at exorbitant rates, so they’ll be tag teaming the boomers in fucking over the youth of today.