Not angry, I prefer “passionate”. Well, I hope you make a difference someday.
Not angry, I prefer “passionate”. Well, I hope you make a difference someday.
I’m not shouting in from the outside. I’m in the US myself. The student who got grabbed off the street? She didn’t write half the shit I did. How’s that for having a stake?
If I made you mad I’ve already been helpful. You will not face the largest military on the planet on account of that military comprised by your own countrymen. Other nations such as Canadians or Europeans will not be as lucky. I would also love to be “more supportive” for direct action, if you know where to start let me know because I don’t.
Edit: Irrelevant to any of this, but I’m not a R*ddit refugee since I’ve been permabanned there more than a decade ago. I’m a /pol/ refugee. They banned me there as well, though nothing a DNS change couldn’t fix. Just as well, 4Chan is even more of a fed honeypot than Plebbit.
Well true, the “far left” will be first, then the “moderate left”, then “people in our own midst who fail the purity test”. I’ve used the term Democrat as an umbrella.
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If Americans were just 1% as tough as they pretend to be on the internet, Trump would have been overthrown by now.
No. Therefor, what is the next logical step?
Wow. That is all it takes for you people to lose your balls?
Let me tell you about Wilhelm Blumberg. An ordinary citizen of Berlin, Germany, in 1934. When the OFFICIAL GERMAN GOVERNMENT (ruled by the NSDAP) put up swastika flags around his streets, Wilhelm got angry and tore them down. He was stopped by police who wanted to know what the fuck he thinks he’s doing. He answered: “What kind of bitch rag (Fotzenlappen) is this??? Let me shit on it real quick!”. He was apprehended.
Here is someone who stood up to literal Nazis. He is remembered. You however, will be forgotten. You seek safety in numbers, hoping the next impotent protest march will shield you from repercussions. You will be the first to run away when the tear gas rains down. Scampering back home and start scrolling X or tiktok or youtube or whatever baubles your rulers let you have for entertainment after a long hard day of doing nothing.
Everyone in the US, including myself, are guilty. In fact this post is mostly directed at myself. Each day where we are not shot or at least imprisoned is another day we have failed. Because it was another day of inactivity, of cowardice, of complicity. Another day where we valued our own fleeting life over liberty and justice for humanity or at least this country. That Tufts girl is disappeared because no one else did anything. You chose this. And let’s be real, you will continue to choose this.
There was one common line of defense for all defendants during the Nuremberg trials: “We only followed rules and orders”. “We didn’t know it was this bad”. “What was I supposed to do against this machine?”. Most of them got hanged. Most of us here should as well.
Oh yeah tough guy, you would have totally attacked those men and saved the damsel. Then everyone would have clapped and the mayor given you a medal.
Call the police
We ARE the police!
Yup. Everyone has power fantasies about standing up to the “patriarchy” and “fascism” from the safety and comfort of their home. Until shit suddenly gets real. There is no help to call. If you’re lucky you get a kangaroo-court date where they will sentence you into oblivion. If not, you just disappear. Like she has.
How many hours have you been in the gym this week? How many guns do you own? If the answer is “not too many”, then you are not peaceful, you are harmless.
Good! When I was a young man, barely 12 and without any idea about the wider world, my poppa gave me a job managing the brown gardeners at our country club. It taught me responsibility! I pulled myself up by my bootstraps working since I was 12, so I don’t see why lazy kids can’t work in mines or farms as well. Leftist scumbags whine about having no jobs, but refuse to take a nice easy job serving in the military to fight for Israel, or working for literal riches ($4/h) at a Tesla factory. You won’t get rich like Elon with this attitude. (Christian) God bless Florida! (Jewish) God bless Trump!
Nothing the Trump administration does is about efficiency. It’s about dismantling. All of it. Once there is no government left, the powerful can dictate and enforce their own laws. Or, to use Elon Musks words from February:
“We [the rich] are sick of financing you. You want health care? Befriend a doctor. You want entertainment? Go roll around the mud with your fellow pigs.” Edit: Apparently not a real quote and was a fake screenshot.
And while we’re at it, please stop treating DOGE as if it was an official government agency. It is not. They have no mandate. They are an extra-legal entity that lawlessly meddles with REAL government agencies. A private company headed by a private individual, currently in the process of dismantling what government we have left. And each day its less. Because each day people chose to NOT riot in the streets (except those few who do, bless you).
Voter turn-out was low last election. Turns out drum circles with Oprah and other Hollywood sycophants while substituting all policy discussions with “uhh…JOY and ORANGE MAN BAD!” was not a winning strategy. If everyone is forced to vote you would see a lot of odd things. Most of them not great for either Republicans or Democrats, but ultimately healthy for a liberal state.
Oh gosh, you think? Damn, I wish we had a historical blueprint somewhere that could show us how a modern autocratic regime would go about eliminating their “unwanteds”.
Oh hey turns out we have one, but no one ever considered it could happen in the US because Americans are super special snowflakes who can’t do wrong. And according to that one, Democrats will actually be the first ones in camps. In fact it doesn’t matter if you’re not white or gay or whatever. As long as you support the regime, you will be safe under Trump, but not necessarily his successor.
Step 1 is ALWAYS coming after regime-critics first. Ethnonationalist concerns are second.
Well that’s your fault for being a lefty terrorist, innit?
Getting cancer and needing money is communism and terrorism and real nazism and all other isms. Pull yourself up by the bootstraps and join the 20 or so billionaires in the government or die. Welcome to the American dream, no, trying to wake up from it is also terrorism.
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…and that would matter if he was dependent on votes by an electorate. He is not.
Well I see a lot of twitter outrage from Canadians, but not any trench digging and fortification building. I guess “elbows up” means “let’s just hope this all blows over”. Your hatred of the current US regime won’t stop Abrams tanks.
It’s sad yet vindicating how Germans have been rehabilitated retrospectively these last 2 months if not earlier.
So our technological progress has brutally outgrown our cultural one. I think you’re right.
No apology needed, I’m a dick. Just wish more people would be seething with rage about all of this as I am. Feels like the left is too placid, too timid, too laissez-faire with the great gift hard won with blood and iron by their forefathers.