SexMachineStalin [comrade/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 29th, 2021

  • Something like 15 minutes break between 45 minutes of each lecture/period would be probably the most logical solution (which many countries implement) so there is at least some chill time instead of just having to hurry class to class. What if you need to 9/11 the school toilet, grab the heavy-arse books from the locker, make death threats to NAFOs on Twitter, or get some xp in Runescape? Maybe kids will be less likely to goof off in class?

  • During several meetings when Mandela finally was released from Robben Island Prison, P. W. Botha was consistently coping on “why is the ANC so violent”, clearly disregarding the rebuttal of a justified violent response by the oppressed. At least F. W. De Klerk was much less of a “redditor-brain”…

    More like, Botha deez nutz roflmfao

    I’m really going all in full force at this reading competition with very openly Marxist-leaning literature. Like a cinderblock from the 20th floor at an Israeli flag waver in Hillbrow.

  • Liberalism has always brought out the worst in people. There is little to no difference from liberals anywhere between Johannesburg to Tallinn. Their rhetoric and smug-as-fuck attitude is all the same. In the former, they go as far as to commit treason and in the latter, are openly calling for Nakba.

    One also did a bit of ableism (straight to :gulag:, btw) simply because I actually like, read and goes off on the “muslim cant be a communist”. Funny how I never heard this line uttered once in South Africa (even from libs), but has been a constant talking point in the :international-community-1::international-community-2:.

  • The newer hardware tends to usually have a longer lifespan. A 10-year old computer today is a 3rd or 4th gen Core i7, still decently powerful. A 10-year old computer 10 years ago was a Pentium 4, pretty much useless.

    Same will apply to phones. I had an S5 that I bought in 2014 which by 2019 actually was getting too old, hobbled by it’s paltry 2GB of RAM. Bought an S8 in 2019 which already was 2 years old and it’s already outlived the S5 by almost 2 years. It’s starting to show signs of age but will probably last at least another couple years. I’m expecting the S22/S23 Ultra to last into the 2030s.

  • Have you considered the possibility that people living in Fuzhou, Putian, Quanzhou, Xiamen and Zhangzhou (among many millions of others along the coast) don’t want to have American nukes pointed at them a mere 200-300 kilometers away?

    Also neither China, the US, the :international-community-1::international-community-2: or the rest of the world do not recognize Taiwan as independent. Only the :nato-cool: despite this, want to wrest Taiwan away to build a puppet state.

    Oh yeah and the official acronymn is “CPC”.

  • …except if it originates in clearly


  • the supposed genocide in Donbas is 100% a Russian propaganda fabrication


  • Wolfenstein: The New Colossus and Fursan al-Aqsa. There’s also Soldier of Fortune: Platinum Edition, while you do play as a PMC chud, you do get to fill up the morgues of NYC with neo-Nazis in two chapters with two Boers as the main villains. Also from the word go, you do at least get to remove a Nazi’s face with a SPAS-12 at point-blank.

    And sometimes even Minecraft when some kid builds a definetely not a swastika next to the Ukrainian flag in their base, so you spawncamp them and steal all their diamonds.