SovietyWoomy [any]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 13th, 2020


  • How do you address low motivation levels though? The response to covid, the endless school shootings, their parent’s jobs, and even a small amount of reading about climate apocalypse should make it obvious to children that society despises them and that they have no future. How do you motivate someone to do well in school under those conditions if they’re not already motivated?

  • SovietyWoomy [any]@hexbear.netto> Greentext@lemmy.mlAnon is tired
    1 year ago

    The whole point of government is to be authoritarian. That authority is what separates tax collectors from muggers. That authority is what allows for public good such as welfare programs and public bad such as a militarized police force that brutally defends the capitalist class and their capital. Under “liberal” capitalism, that authority is concentrated in the hands of the dictators that own the means of production.

  • I’m not from, so I can understand why I would not allowed to have a direct say in how the instance should be run. That’s fine. Unless you meant that even users aren’t allowed to have a say in how their instance is run. That sounds pretty authoritarian.

    What pro-Russian agenda am I pushing? I presented an example of why banning only Kremlin propaganda without even defining what that means is concerning. It’s how you end up with political discussion being astrotrufed to the point of uselessness like on r/politics. Commenting on something explicitly brought up in the main post is not derailing the topic.

  • Banning state propaganda is great, but why limit that ban to Kremlin propaganda? US propaganda is just as, if not more, prevelent and toxic. The narrative surrounding the destruction of the Nord Stream is a good example:

    American corporate media and government officials were calling for its destruction and outright threatening to blow it up for months prior to the actual attack. Immediately after its destruction, the corporate news outlets and government officials that had been calling for that very action acted as though they had never done so and presented a unified front that blamed Russia for the attack. Doing some critical thinking and realizing that Russia had neither the opportunity nor the motive to blow up their own pipeline is not Kremlin propaganda. Continuing that critical thinking and realizing that the US had both motive and opportunity, and was a likely culprit because they had repeatedly threatened to blow up the pipeline is not Kremlin propaganda. Shutting down all discussion critical of the US by dismissing it as Russian bots is US propaganda.