Trump would just allocate all of FEMA’s funds to rebuild it out of solid gold while leaving everyone else affected by the hurricane in the dirt.
Trump would just allocate all of FEMA’s funds to rebuild it out of solid gold while leaving everyone else affected by the hurricane in the dirt.
This was the best you could come up with? A regime that lasted one full year?
I rest my case.
Okay, now I’m OoTL—where are you seeing a bunch of folks hating on Wikipedia?
That’d be nice if it was actually what happened.
I’m not debating the idea that these tariffs were a limp dick scare tactic that got meager results, but it’s not like they got no results. Just functionally no results.
How’s about this: name me one functioning country of significant size (i.e. not just a commune) that functions on an anarchistic model. Demonstrate via examples that this system actually works in practice.
shrug The Right does pretty much the same thing. It’s all fucked.
I agree, but I honestly don’t know what the solution is. Beyond blind revolution, which is inherently chaotic and difficult to predict, I don’t see a solution. The U.S. seems doomed to spiral in the same way we’ve seen other nations do so for the foreseeable future. It all depends on how this current administration plays out and how people react to it in the future. Americans are so uneducated and gullible these days that I can’t predict how they’ll behave (and I’m an American).
Pretty sure the common denominator is “owning the libs.”
It’s not just liberals that are voting against their opposition more than they are voting for the political candidates they vote for; the other side is largely doing the same. That’s why American democracy is failing: we’re so disillusioned with our own parties that we’ve been reduced to voting for them just to keep the opposition from power. Hence, no matter how we vote, we’re dissatisfied, but we tell ourselves pretty stories to make it all right. The only real winners are corporations, which have all of these clowns in their pockets.
No, it’s not about the writing. It’s when’s a game feels like it’s preaching at you. Not the same problem at all.
And yet, from the downvoting here and everywhere else this comes up, it’s clear: some people can’t take nuanced opinions on topics like this. If you object in any capacity, you’re the worst possible objector.
It’s more about the messaging. The mere presence of a POC or trans character isn’t bothersome to most people. But when that character comes with dialogue lines that make the political messaging obvious, then they’re no longer a character that happens to be non-White or trans; they’re a political prop inserted into a game to send a political message, and that can be quite irksome when all you’re trying to do is play a fantasy RPG and escape from the world for a bit, even if you actually agree with the message.
He’ll just blame Biden.
How did the NYT help get him elected?
These are the only parts that are going to make the next four years bearable: seeing all the fucktards get their faces eaten.
When the primaries are over and there’s no viable third party candidate in the running, yes, third party vote = throwaway vote. Your idealist thinking is what’s short-sighted.
So, who should someone who “really cared” have voted for? To you, a vote for either viable candidate signifies apathy to the Gazan struggle, so only a throw-away vote or not voting signify true caring? Is it even possible in your mind for an American voter to care about Palestinians and the fate of their own country?
I never watched Squid Game and don’t intend to. Battle royale material just isn’t my thing.
No one can diagnose someone on the internet but the things you list do seem to paint a rough sketch of a narcissist. Thing is, people can have narcissistic traits and still not meet the criteria for narcissistic personality disorder.
But it doesn’t really matter. The person you describe sounds like someone to be avoided, regardless of whether or not they qualify for NPD.
That would be the one part of this I support. At least for medically unnecessary circumcisions.
Oh, wow, so surprising. About as surprising as every other Republican/Conservative who said the same thing. It’s almost like their “States’ Rights” stance is utter bullshit, just like it was for their justification of the Confederacy’s legitimacy in the Civil War. Oh, wow, maybe they’re just all racist, sexist pieces of shit?
Oh, wow.