• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I know this guy is popular - but my god I can’t stand Jordan Shanks. I absolutely don’t get the way parts of the Australian Left revere this guy as a hero and almost a martyr.

    I agree. I WANT to like him, I think he tries (with varying degrees of success) to bring to light stuff that maybe doesn’t get a mention in any other media and that should be commended. But the guy is just so CONDESCENDING. Everything seems to be such an emotional attack on him, and we (the viewers) are fucking idiots if we don’t “Get” his take. That’s not journalism, its reporting and opinions. Want me to take you seriously bro? Present me the facts! let me make up my own opinions and don’t act like any other opinion is wrong.

    But should the guy be attacked? Absolutely not. I haven’t been following the story all that closely, but it deffo sounds like the police are failing to take shit seriously (surprise surprise). I don’t agree with his take on a lot of things but still stand to protect anyone trying to fight corruption, even if they are a bit of a dick about it.

  • on paper, option 2 is the better option, right? 200k is a lot of km on anything other than a Toyota. But yeah, the “trust but verify” statement couldn’t be more applicable to buying a used car. We brought a second hand lancer recently and honestly couldnt be happier. The guy was nice, it was a good vibe but we still had a mechanic verify his claims which all checked out. Whatever you do, dont buy a Mazda 6 Diesel 🙃

  • so its been a week. Had to take kid to emergency yesterday. Hes been released and fine now, just a bunch of viruses running rampant on him but the MCH and GP both said “yeah, lets get the hospital to check him out”. I thought I kept my cool under pressure pretty well, but came home last night got him to bed and just kind collapsed on the couch like “holly fucking shit that was one of the hardest days of my life”.

    It comes very close to the 12 month anniversary of the LAST hardest days of my life that also involve a him and a hospital. So if we made a year before taking him to the hospital we’ve done pretty well. Shout out to the MCH Hotline, the GP and the Monash health staff. All were simply amazing.

  • Cause for some stupid reason, we put them on a pedestal. Society glorifies sporting success rather than academic achievement or anything actually beneficial to society. Just cause kids look up to them doesn’t make them role models. They are barely more than teenagers who are either thinking about their next root or their next bag. And you know what? Thats perfectly fine so long as no ones getting hurt.