Binary trans woman, full time since 2016

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • This is so hard.

    First, it’s OK to distance yourself from “I love you, but I can’t support what you are doing.”

    My mother was devastated when I came out. But after seeing that I was serious about transition and she could either get on the boat or be left behind, she decided that she should offer some help with clothes and dressing nice. She introduced me as her daughter these days. She hasn’t said anything shitty in over half a decade.

    Second isolation is ok for safety, but not a long term strategy. Be nice to people, ask for help when you can, and you should meet women that will help you. Seek out queer spaces and navigate them as best you can. A trans woman taught me 95% of everything I know about makeup. My wife taught me nails when we started dating.

    I’m sorry you are being hurt. It’s not fair and you don’t deserve it. Feel free to pm me if you ever want to chat, or vent, or share your stories. I love yo tell my own.