Hey friend, sorry for your issue. Today was a crazy day, many people desperate, panic selling. Amazingly, only 40% were panic selling, and around 60% were actually buying Monero. In any case, the turmoil was enough that many users experienced delays. In case your issue is still not solved, please contact us on Telegram (TrocadorSupportBot) or on our matrix channel (https://matrix.to/#/#Trocador.app:matrix.org) and our support team will help you out.
Hey friend, sorry for your issue. Today was a crazy day, many people desperate, panic selling. Amazingly, only 40% were panic selling, and around 60% were actually buying Monero. In any case, the turmoil was enough that many users experienced delays. In case your issue is still not solved, please contact us on Telegram (TrocadorSupportBot) or on our matrix channel (https://matrix.to/#/#Trocador.app:matrix.org) and our support team will help you out.